Es ist mir eine Freude euch heute den zweiten Workshop mit Fernando Ruiz von FeR Miniatures in Deutschland anzukündigen. Fernando ist ein erfahrener Workshopleiter der mehrmals im Jahr Seminare weltweit abhält
Hier einige Reviews zu seinem Workshop von 2014.
Bei Mr. Lee´s Blog
Hier könnt geht es zu Fernandos Gallerie bei Putty&Paint.
Ich hoffe es ist kein Problem das die Workshopankündigung selbst in Englisch ist. Ebenso wird der Workshop in englischer Sprache abgehalten.
Es ist wie alle Workshops und Events die ich organisiere, ein Deluxe Workshop d.h. für einen fairen Preis ist die Unterkunft und Verpflegung vor Ort inklusive.
Nach der Anmeldung bekommt jeder Teilnehmer eine E-Mail mit allen wichtigen Informationen rund um den Workshop inkl. Kontodaten für die Workshopgebühr.
Hi all!
We are really pleased to announce the first official FeR Miniatures Painting Seminar in Germany, that will be hosted near Stuttgart (1h with car):

Here are some extended details about the seminar:
Among the concepts we will talk about:
You can register with a posting here in the forum or per e-mail (
From the moment you communicated here in the forum or over e-mail your intention to come, you have a reserved seat on the seminar.
IMPORTANT - Please send me in any case after registration an e-mail!
We will then send you a full dossier including all details.
We are really glad to have the chance to host my second seminar in Germany. It always turns out an awesome experience of learning, meeting friends, seeing new places and living a weekend in the companion of fellow enthusiasts.
Feel free to share this announcement over you blog / homepage / facebook account or each other way you like!
Best Regards
Fernando Ruiz and Vlado Simic
00. Fernando
00. Vlado
00. Phil
00. Peter
01. Stoessi
02. Schlaubi
03. Chris
04. GIJoe
05. Max (mail)
06. Donnerknall (mail)
07. Specialist0815 (TTW)
08. Brother_Ezekjel (TTW)
09. Billa (FB)
10. zaroH
11. Andi
12. Specialist0815 No.2
14. Egrimm van Horstmann
15. Leo
16. Patrick (mail)
17. Manfred (mail)
18. Cornel
19. Jens
20. Moghrakul
21. Chris G.(mail)
22. Graviton
Hier einige Reviews zu seinem Workshop von 2014.
Bei Mr. Lee´s Blog
Hier könnt geht es zu Fernandos Gallerie bei Putty&Paint.
Ich hoffe es ist kein Problem das die Workshopankündigung selbst in Englisch ist. Ebenso wird der Workshop in englischer Sprache abgehalten.
Es ist wie alle Workshops und Events die ich organisiere, ein Deluxe Workshop d.h. für einen fairen Preis ist die Unterkunft und Verpflegung vor Ort inklusive.
Nach der Anmeldung bekommt jeder Teilnehmer eine E-Mail mit allen wichtigen Informationen rund um den Workshop inkl. Kontodaten für die Workshopgebühr.
Hi all!
We are really pleased to announce the first official FeR Miniatures Painting Seminar in Germany, that will be hosted near Stuttgart (1h with car):

Here are some extended details about the seminar:
- FeR Miniatures Painting seminar by Fernando Ruiz.
- It will be hosted in Freizeithaus St. Franziskus, 78176 Blumberg, the July 17-19th weekend.
- It will be hosted in the premises of a cottage. We all stay in the cottage.
- The cottage offers you 4 bedrooms of different sizes, showers and toilets are plentiful. We even have a relax area in the vaulted cellar for using it after work.
- 20 seats.
- 24 hours divided in 3 days (Friday-Saturday-Sunday).
- The seminar will be about painting a bust from FeR Miniatures. Wich excactly we will show u in serveral weeks, but be sure its a very cool one. We will paint the different areas of it in order to explain how to paint different materials and textures in large scale (skin, fur, cloth, etc.), insisting in particular on the face.
- Cost of the seminar: 160€ including the bust. The costs for meals and lodging: 65€ + 10€ deposit (all in all 235€). If you will pay per PayPal the consts can be a little bit higher (details than in the pdf I will send you per mail)
- The language of the seminar will be English.
Among the concepts we will talk about:
- Choosing a palette for different types of flesh and skin effects.
- Painting eyes.
- Interpretation and balance of the features of a bust.
- Right application and use of acrylics.
- Use of Acrylic drying retarder.
- Zenithal highlighting, contrast and color theory.
- Highlights and shadows, how to apply them and how to blend them.
- Texture effects.
You can register with a posting here in the forum or per e-mail (
From the moment you communicated here in the forum or over e-mail your intention to come, you have a reserved seat on the seminar.
IMPORTANT - Please send me in any case after registration an e-mail!
We will then send you a full dossier including all details.
We are really glad to have the chance to host my second seminar in Germany. It always turns out an awesome experience of learning, meeting friends, seeing new places and living a weekend in the companion of fellow enthusiasts.
Feel free to share this announcement over you blog / homepage / facebook account or each other way you like!
Best Regards
Fernando Ruiz and Vlado Simic
00. Fernando
00. Vlado
00. Phil
00. Peter
01. Stoessi
02. Schlaubi
03. Chris
04. GIJoe
05. Max (mail)
06. Donnerknall (mail)
07. Specialist0815 (TTW)
08. Brother_Ezekjel (TTW)
09. Billa (FB)
10. zaroH
11. Andi
12. Specialist0815 No.2
14. Egrimm van Horstmann
15. Leo
16. Patrick (mail)
17. Manfred (mail)
18. Cornel
19. Jens
20. Moghrakul
21. Chris G.(mail)
22. Graviton