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Imbrian Arts Kickstarter!

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    Imbrian Arts Kickstarter!

    I can now announce that my mate Jody Siegel of Imbrian Arts has launched his Kickstarter. This drive is meant to raise enough funds for Jody to keep him working on his range full time!

    With this project we'll be able to produce 4 new miniatures. These miniatures have already been sculpted and are ready to be sent off for moulding and put into production. The miniatures will be cast in a durable and highly detailed plastic material capable of capturing all the detail of the master just as beautifully as the normal lead alloy used in other Imbrian Arts miniatures.

    I´ll update this topic with news and pics in the coming weeks!

    AW: Imbrian Arts Kickstarter!

    Great idea to keep us up to date!!!

    Go ahead like this!

    Btw: The swordsman is going to become one of my favorites!
    Very nice pose and excellent details! Well done!!!

    Best regards

    The Sgt
    Mal-Zeit!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


      AW: Imbrian Arts Kickstarter!

      Wow, i have watched your video a few seconds ago,
      and I wanna say that I hope that you will be successful with your project.
      The videoeffect from 1:05 to 1:13 is incidentally crazy cool. I love it.
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