Ich hätte niemals gedacht das sich die Produktion eines solchen tools aus spritzgegossenem Plastik rechnet. Aber immer positiv denken. Die Erstauflage ist verkauft - Was gilt es besser zu machen ? Ein transparentes tool... Und wir legen noch eine Acrylplatte oben drauf. Mal sehen welche Werkzeuge noch, den Weg aus meinem mechanischem Hirn, in eure Werkzeugboxen finden werden.
I never had thought that the tubetool will be such an succsess. It was a financial risk to produce it in jnjection plastic. But always think positiv. We have sold out the first batch and we have an new batch ready. What can you make better if you have a good working tool ? Change the color :-) .. With the transparent tool it is now easier to controle the tool. And with the included acrylic plate it is easier to roll better sausages. Hope you will also enjoy the tools that will be find a way out of my mechanical mind into your toolboxes, in the future...
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I never had thought that the tubetool will be such an succsess. It was a financial risk to produce it in jnjection plastic. But always think positiv. We have sold out the first batch and we have an new batch ready. What can you make better if you have a good working tool ? Change the color :-) .. With the transparent tool it is now easier to controle the tool. And with the included acrylic plate it is easier to roll better sausages. Hope you will also enjoy the tools that will be find a way out of my mechanical mind into your toolboxes, in the future...
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