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Terrible Kids Stuff - Steelarm and Al Capone - Das-Bemalforum


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Terrible Kids Stuff - Steelarm and Al Capone

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    Terrible Kids Stuff - Steelarm and Al Capone

    He called me 'half-blood', how dare he?! Said by him, he is half of a bullet, my desire for revenge is unrelenting. The time is right, the place too, I hope not to have to go looking for him, I'm sick of walking with those damned boots. Once I recover my honor, I will come back to town and i will bring the saloon into desolation, just like I did to the last diligence!

    That loosened of Smokingclouds told me that if I don't kill him today, I will have to wait at least two more full moon! I do not think, where the hell is he?! I'll find him, even at the cost of losing my other arm!

    Steelarm is casted in white metal and is in scale 1:32. The concept was done by Paolo Parente and the sculpture by Raul Garcia Latorre. Now let's speak about Al Capone!


    16 June 1931 the venire declares the defendant not guilty to all the 23 charges, "The Untouchables" have failed miserably.

    Al Capone, the most responsible for the unhealthy climate of Blood City, is on the loose. The number of homicides will increase, now he controls the underground city entirely; at the head of The Steamfit he sows terror and dictates law, its law. The number 1 enemy of America has proven to be the only true untouchable.

    "Graft is a byword in American life today. It is law, where no other law is obeyed. It is undermining the country. The honest lawmakers of any city can be counted on your fingers. I could count Chicago’s 2.0 on one hand! Virtue, honor, truth and the law have all vanished from our life". This is his ethics. “I'm the boss. I'm going to continue to run things. They've been putting the roscoe on me for a good many years and I'm still healthy and happy. Don't let anybody kid you into thinking I can be run out of town. I haven't run yet and I'm not going to."

    Al Capone is casted in white metal and is in scale 1:32. The concept was done by Andrea Jula and the sculpture by Pedro Fernández Ramos.

    You can find our miniatures at and you can follow us at or at

    AW: Terrible Kids Stuff - Steelarm and Al Capone

    While I would have loved a 1920ies mobster theme, I have to say that this is a bit too strange for me. An Al Capone-Porkie with a tap?


      AW: Terrible Kids Stuff - Steelarm and Al Capone

      Great promo painting and great comic look sculpture indeed.
      But from the design point of view I thought 100% the same like Redwing.
      With a classic mobster you had my money asap
      Es ist besser, unvollkommen anzupacken,
      als perfekt zu zögern.

      Thomas Alva Edison


        AW: Terrible Kids Stuff - Steelarm and Al Capone

        Great sculpts and paintings as well, but your Capone is a little too crazy, to fit to my taste of figures!

        But Steelarm is just amazing!!! Great pose indeed!

        Thanks for showing!

        Your Sgt
        Mal-Zeit!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


          AW: Terrible Kids Stuff - Steelarm and Al Capone

          Thanks guys for your feedback, sorry that you don't like it, but this is our idea of Fantasy


            AW: Terrible Kids Stuff - Steelarm and Al Capone

            I have to contradict my previous speakers,

            Al capone is so f*** insane genius. The sculp fits perfectly how Al Capones charakter is descripted in many books.

            but this is our idea of Fantasy
            mine too.
            Willst du glücklich sein für eine Nacht, dann betrink dich.
            Willst du glücklich sein für drei Tage, heirate.
            Willst du glücklich sein für ein Leben, schaff dir Farben und Pinsel an.
            (Angepasstes japanisches Sprichwort)


              AW: Terrible Kids Stuff - Steelarm and Al Capone

              thanks a lot for your suggestions!
              be creative...and follow us on you'll find new fantasy way...and maybe more!



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