Imbrian Arts: new sculpts & concept art. -
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Einige von euch vielleicht schon wissen, diese Firma ein paar Jahre zurück, wenn es einige ausgezeichnete Goblins veröffentlicht, aber sie sind wieder da und bereit, etwas mehr cool stuff bald veröffentlichen!
Feel free and use your native language to communicate. It does look like you´ve used some kind of "babbelfish" to translate your advertisement to german...
But, the stuff you´re advertising is looking good, indeed!
Go ahead and show some more!
Best regards
The Sgt
Zuletzt geändert von sgt absalon; 18.11.2012, 20:34.
I love your amazing work, especially the goblins. The new artworks an sculps are amazing too. The warrior on the terrorbird and the old man with pipe and bottle are brilliant artworks, I wait for the miniatures.
Hello! I'm Jody, the artist and sculptor of these concepts. Thanks very much for you interest and your compliments. If you have any questions feel free to ask or write to me and I'll answer them if I can.