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Imbrian Arts Kickstarter update!

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    Imbrian Arts Kickstarter update!

    Some updates regarding Imbrian Arts Kickstarter!

    Thank you so much for funding this project. This first 24 hours has been incredibly exciting! Across the net backers have been asking to have the goblin set released so we're making it our first priority. Once we reach this goal you'll be able to buy goblins as a set or individually. New backers can purchase the set as a reward and current backers can simply add the cost of the set to their pledge. Easy!

    And because the stretch was already made you now get a Necromancer Bat with the set for free!

    Also some new stretches/concept art made available!

    Vanara Monk:

    The Rider:

    The preferred mount of some outriders and desert rangers, a massive prehistoric bird. Difficult to train, but well suited to covering long distances quickly and capable of disemboweling any grown man with a single kick. Most enemies prefer to avoid direct confrontations with these agile and unpredictable creatures.

    AW: Imbrian Arts Kickstarter update!

    Kann man den Reiter auch ohne irgendein Paket kaufen also nur die Basic-Version - hat da jmd. den Überblick?


      AW: Imbrian Arts Kickstarter update!

      Ein kurze Frage... die links hinter den Bilder, zeigen nur die Biolder an... gibt es auch einen Link zumm Projekt? Oder bin ich momentan zu dröge, diese zu finden?

      Me on Putty&Paint

      Taggis Show Offs...


        AW: Imbrian Arts Kickstarter update!

        @Serafin: ja, die Reiter kann auch nur alein gekauft werden!

        @Tagamoga: zum projekt?

        Some more updates!

        Update- mini reward

        I'm opening up the Necromancer Bat free reward to any backer who's pledged $85 or more once we hit $8,500.

        Only fair right?
        Rider Unlocked!

        The $9000 goal has been released! We'll be able to fund the creation of the cassowary rider. You can add the Cassowary Rider to your order by adding $25 to your pledge for the basic model or $35 for the resin collectors version.
        And one more with some art!

        New Stretch goal- Asura and Gnoll

        Every force includes at least one wizard. The Goblins have the troll druid and necromancer bat, the Undead are raised by powerful liches. The desert set will include an Asura sorceress. We're also including a new gnoll miniature in the set. If the Asura gets funded the gnoll will too, and it will be included free in every order with the Asura in it.


          AW: Imbrian Arts Kickstarter update!

          Fungeins join the fun!

          To help push us over the $12,000 mark and onto the complete desert peoples set I'm releasing Fungeins ahead of schedule! They're quite a lively bunch and the perfect cohorts for your goblin force lead by a Necromancer Bat!

          Add them to your order for just $15


            AW: Imbrian Arts Kickstarter update!

            Next Goal- Desert Set!

            The desert set is almost here! The set will cost $85 and include shipping within the US. It consists of an asura sorceress, six creatures, and 7 bones. The Collector's set will consist of resin miniatures, signed concept art cards, a certificate of authenticity, and 7 bone pieces for $155. Also remember that because both these sets are over $85 you will receive the necromancer bat and another bone free!

            Asura and Gnoll Unlocked!


              AW: Imbrian Arts Kickstarter update!

              Important update: PayPal!

              It was brought to my attention that some people aren't able to create amazon accounts and haven't backed the project. I've created an online shop at for these customers. If someone you know falls into this category let them know!

              And another piece of concept art!

              Basilisk man - desert creature:

              People asked for a larger picture of the basilisk men. I decided a more interesting pose was in order, and an alternate cockatrice head too. The cockatrice version will fit well in a goblin force lead by the troll druid.


                AW: Imbrian Arts Kickstarter update!

                Death Knight!

                I'm proud to say that the next stretch goal is for the Undead! The death knight is going to be one of the elite miniatures in your undead force and is the key to unlocking some truly nasty creatures. It may be difficult to tell from the concept, but the death knight's armour is perforated with holes in certain places, much like an elaborate censer, and from these intricately carved holes weep clouds of terror, like velvety black smoke. You can purchase him as an add on by increasing your pledge or at the basic or gamer levels for new backers.


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