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Imbrian Arts Kickstarter updates!

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    Imbrian Arts Kickstarter updates!

    Nothing like a good death spore.

    Update 21 brings you pics of the monk, an unlocked zombie 3pack and the newest stretch goal, Death Spores!

    Death spores are a favourite past time of many liches. It can take decades to train the fungi, but through careful grooming it can start to take on a corpse like appearance. Death spore sculpture is considered to be an art form which can take centuries to master. And indeed the fruit of this labour is the delight of seeing its hapless victims fall prey and be consumed by the angry fungus. Aaah death spores.

    The zombie 3pack has been unlocked! you can now add it to your order as an add on.

    The monk is complete! He's looking awesome if you don't mind my saying. I'm pretty happy with him.
    Zuletzt geändert von Gibbergeist; 11.12.2012, 14:41.

    AW: Imbrian Arts Kickstarter updates!

    Lets try a different approach with the undead set. We'll fund this set with 8 basic miniatures and your choice of either the Shadow or Bound Corpse Knight as your 9th miniature. I love them both so I'll let you choose what goes into your set. Our target for this deal is $33,000.

    A corpse knight is born when a necromancer takes the body of a recently slain warrior and binds its soul within its body before it can escape. A black candle is placed upon the fallen warrior's head and once the invocation is complete it lights itself with an erie flicker. In the case of this knight, a slain orc warrior, formidable as a living opponent becomes an implacable foe, immune to any pain, and fighting with the cunning and ferocity of his living brethren.

    It's not unusual for a necromancer to enlist the aid of demons in their works. A shadow is one type of demon that is commonly attributed to necromancy. These nightmarish creatures stalk unsuspecting foes. They are terrified of light, but nevertheless require a small amount to create a path with which they can travel toward their prey. Be wary of the full moon!


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