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Imbrian Arts Kickstarter final days!

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    Imbrian Arts Kickstarter final days!

    Imbrian Arts is in the final days of its Kickstarter and things are going very well! But they can still can do a whole lot better so if you have thought of backing but haven't done so yet then please don't wait till it's too late and do so now!

    Free Goblins!

    Thanks to the paypal contributions, the jungle goblins have been unlocked! You'll now receive 3 FREE goblins with every pledge over $25! You can now get $50 worth of free miniatures with a $110 pledge!

    Our next goal is the Forest Elemental. A huge 70mm figure and full of intricate detail. Trust me, you're going to want one!

    Ammit and Dragon sneak peak

    One of the things I mentioned in comments was that this game is going to sport some really monstrous creatures. Gods and demons like Ammit the devourer, Charon, Behemoth, massive ogres, sea dragons, lich constructs and more. I promised you a picture of a dragon I have been dreaming about for a couple of years.

    Ammit the devourer is a demon that can be summoned by the Asura. We still have a few creatures to unlock before we can add him but he will be available once we hit $55K

    Stories say that when you die, your heart is placed upon the scales of justice, and if it's heavier than a feather, Ammit will devour your soul!

    This sea dragon is our first peak at some of the sea folk and ocean themed creatures. He's a huge monster and I can promise it's going to be nothing short of awe inspiring to see in the flesh. If we can reach $100k he'll be able to make an appearance on your table.

    AW: Imbrian Arts Kickstarter final days!

    There are many cool figures in this campaign but I must say the side really confuse me. Sometimes there are 2 prizes on the same figure, that means there is a metal version (the cheaper one) and a resin version available?
    And for example I want 1 of the ghul figures (that is sculpted from S.Archer) it cost 12$ then I take the pledge 12$ and can write the name of this figure? or how do they know what figure I want?

    I am not sure if you answer the questions but maybe you can help me
    Detailed Painting & Basing-Tutorials:


      AW: Imbrian Arts Kickstarter final days!

      Correct in the fact of two versions; one resin version at 22$ and one Trollcast one at 12$ (or other values but you get the idea on prices).

      Also yes, if you pledge say 12$ then Jody will sent a survey after the Kickstarter is over to ask people which items they got/want.


        AW: Imbrian Arts Kickstarter final days!

        Thanks a lot for the answers.

        I have another question, on the kickstarter project is a link, where I can easy choose the most of the figures

        But the ghul from Sebastian Archer isn't in this listing? is it possible to order him too?
        Detailed Painting & Basing-Tutorials:


          AW: Imbrian Arts Kickstarter final days!

          Last hours of the Kickstarter and i don't have to tell you that if you want to be part of it you'd better hurry up!

          Last stretch!

          Less than 24 hours to go! Here's a preview of the miniatures that will make up the Jungle Set. After the Demon Ammit unlocks at $55,000 the Jungle set will unlock at $64,000. Ammit will be available as an add on for $30 or $60 for resin. We can do this!

          The Wild Elves!

          The Elementalist has been unlocked! We're now just a few miniatures away from a complete jungle set!

          Of the many inhabitants of the deep jungles, The wild elves are probably the most cunningly cruel. They live completely apart from other races and respond to most forms of human diplomacy with the spear point.


            AW: Imbrian Arts Kickstarter final days!

            Zitat von Honour.Guard Beitrag anzeigen
            Thanks a lot for the answers.

            I have another question, on the kickstarter project is a link, where I can easy choose the most of the figures

            But the ghul from Sebastian Archer isn't in this listing? is it possible to order him too?

            Just pledge the amount stated in the pics and after the KS is over Jody will ask which minis you want!


              AW: Imbrian Arts Kickstarter final days!

              Yea, I understood this, but the problem is, I can't make a pledge (because the payment possibilities).
              I used the link to go to make my order here:

              And I got no possibility to chose the new figures that are just locked. But no problem I will order them later via. Shit that I missed the S.Archer Ghoul and the wild elf women on 52K.

              But thanks for your answer.
              Detailed Painting & Basing-Tutorials:


                AW: Imbrian Arts Kickstarter final days!


                I pm'ed you and hope it'll work out. Otherwise just let me know what you want and I'll let Jody sort it out with you through mail!


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