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Neue Produkte Reality in Scale März 2013 - Das-Bemalforum


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Neue Produkte Reality in Scale März 2013

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    Neue Produkte Reality in Scale März 2013

    Hallo Freunde,

    Reality in Scale möchte gerne ihre neue produkten vorstellen, wir hoffen sie gefallen euch!

    Reality in Scale is proud to announce the new products for March 2013!

    With this new release we want to introduce the latest invention by Reality in Scale:

    With colour casted kits, all the parts are casted in suitable, realistic colours. Besides looking very pleasing, the big benefit of colour casting is that you can paint the kit by only using detail painting, washes, filters and dry brushing. Below you can find the first 2 Colour Casted kits. Happy Modelling!

    Colour casted parts:

    All details can be found on
    We are still looking for dealers/distributors for our products. Please contact us at if you are interested.

    As always, all comments are more than welcome!

    Best wishes,
    Olav Smeets
    Owner Reality in Scale
    Zuletzt geändert von olliesan; 28.03.2013, 18:03.

    AW: Neue Produkte Reality in Scale März 2013

    wow, die Fässer sind ja mal genial, endlich mal Fässer, die Spuren der Verwüstung aufweisen anstatt den immer neuwertig aussehenden, welche man nur durch Korrosion etc. realistischer gestalten kann


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