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Da Clash! Indiegogo Campaign

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    Da Clash! Indiegogo Campaign

    VIDEO :

    Ammon Miniatures launches an Indiegogo Campaign to fund Da Clash!

    “Faster than a tequila shot, make your foe bite the dust in Da Clash! The weird wrestling boardgame for 2 players from 12 to the grave!”

    If you love to brawl, have a good laugh with friends and if you have the eye of the tiger, Da Clash! has been made for you!

    By supporting us, you will benefit of goodies, exclusive miniatures and (very) preferential prices.

    You wanna be da Challenger?

    AW: Da Clash! Indiegogo Campaign

    Mhm lustig, aber eben auch nur lustig. Nicht so mein Ding. Trotzdem viel Erfolg!
    Motivation ist der kleine schwächliche Bruder der Disziplin.

    Suche Rackham Confrontation Minis


      AW: Da Clash! Indiegogo Campaign

      Es gibt viele Ammon Minis, die ich echt knuffig finde, aber der Preis für einen Resin-Ring mit ein paar Minis ist ganz schön steil, finde ich.


        AW: Da Clash! Indiegogo Campaign

        After discussing with a looot of people at Salute last weekend, we have decided to offer the exclusive miniature of Diablito to the first 50 backers!

        And so, we have changed the organization of the stretchgoals a bit. We really wanted to include Los Mustachos exclusive miniature to this project so we have put this mini as the first stretchgoal, making it even more reachable!

        Thank you for your support!



          AW: Da Clash! Indiegogo Campaign

          Hi everyone!

          Finally, there’s a video that will show you the basic game mechanics of Da Clash!

          Please note that we have intentionally skipped some elements of the rules to show you only the basic gaming process.

          15 days left to reach the several stretchgoals!

          Zuletzt geändert von ammon; 02.05.2013, 22:46.


            AW: Da Clash! Indiegogo Campaign

            Here is the early Wip of our first stretchgoal, we are now really close to unlock it!

            If you want this miniature to be unlocked as the 1st stretchgoal of our campaign, please spread the word!

            Thank you for your support!



              AW: Da Clash! Indiegogo Campaign

              We just reached our First Stretchgoal, and even more by now (172% of the goal!)
              So yeah, Los Mustachos miniature has been unlocked and will come for free for every Pledge No.6 and more and availalble for the others pledgers at the reduced price of 5€.

              We are so excited, 5 days left to unlock the other ones!



                AW: Da Clash! Indiegogo Campaign

                We have now reached 180% of our initial goal! Our first Stretchgoal has been ulocked, so here a new one revealed! We have now 4 days to unlock the exclusive dice and this exclusive miniature!

                This one is a real wrestling beast, the master of the arena, without any respect for rules or even the referees…
                It will be a huge miniature, more than 70mm tall, that will spead terror on the ring!


                  AW: Da Clash! Indiegogo Campaign

                  We made it! The 10.000€ stretchgoal has been unlocked!
                  A Da Clash bag of 12 dice is now available for free for all 6+ levels pledgers and at the reduced price of 5€ for the others!

                  Thank you very much for your support!

                  39 hours left, we can now try to unlock the next stretchgoal, which is a huge miniature!



                    AW: Da Clash! Indiegogo Campaign

                    The last hours of our Indiegogo campaign!
                    We are pretty sure we can reach the next stretchgoal and unlock the wretsling beast miniature!

                    Keep spreading the words and we can make it happen!



                      AW: Da Clash! Indiegogo Campaign

                      Hulkenstein is Unlocked!

                      It means that a Hulkenstein exclusive miniature is now added for free to all 6+ pledges levels backers!

                      (in addition to a free Los Mustachos exclusive mini and the Da Clash bag of dice!)

                      Or at the reduced price of 5€ for the others!

                      We are now really close to the end of this Indiegogo campaign, so if you wanna be a part of it, it’s now!

                      Thank you very much for your support!



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