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Oddity ORCS campaign: last six days!!! - Das-Bemalforum


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Oddity ORCS campaign: last six days!!!

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    Oddity ORCS campaign: last six days!!!

    Update 8: Only six days left! Please pledge now!!!

    Hi all, only six days left before this campaign ends! I know we won't make the € 1.500 goal but I do hope we can end as high as possible! So please I ask you once more, please share the campaign on your homepage, Facebook, favourite forum or blog! Or better, please make a contribution and help me reach as high as possible!!!

    Meanwhile Paul Sanderson has sent me the picture of the remaining two orcs!

    The pic is a bit over lighted I think but we can blame the sunny weather of that! I am pretty sure they look even better in real life!!!!

    Tim / Oddity

    AW: Oddity ORCS campaign: last six days!!!

    Hi all,

    Just a little under three days left (68 hours to be precise!) and I am really grateful for the support I've been getting from you all! I hope that in the remaining we can end as high as posible!

    This brings me to a point that had been raised on several occassions and a valid one at that! I have made the mistake to go with 'Flexible Funding' and it seems this has hurt the campaign somewhat. At the time I didn't think much of it to be honest. I thought we would reach the goal so didn't think of the concequences of the possibilty if we didn't reach it! I understand why people might be hesitant to back because they might think when the goal isn't reached they somehow won't get what they paid for!

    I can tell you this won't be the case!!! I have found someone really generous who will loan me the difference so I will be able to deliver no matter what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This was always the case but at first it might have been the case that it would take just a little longer. The caster has given me a great forecast too so I expect I can deliver very soon after the campaign has ended!

    Painted perks! Prices lowered!

    I've lowered the prices on the painted perks. I hope this will make them more attractive for people who've been thinking about buying them but couldn't afford them or thought the prices were too high.

    Paul Sanderson really is a great painter and a very good man! I cannot thank him enough for being such a great help and friend!!!


      AW: Oddity ORCS campaign: last six days!!!


      FINAL DAY! Last chance to get these wonderful miniatures! When the campaign is over who knows how long it might take untill they are available again!!!


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