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Terrible Kids Stuff - Kate

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    Terrible Kids Stuff - Kate

    Now it’s one year that the blog is online and we would like to party with you, we decided to do it by releasing a commemorative figure. Here you can find every information about it. We really hope that you like her, have a look!

    Limited edition: 120 copies
    Code: TKSL01
    Category: S-Team
    Concept: Roberto Cirillo
    Sculptor: Emanuele Giovagnoni
    Painter: Fabrizio Russo
    Material: Resin (Grx Créations)
    Pieces: 4
    Weight: 2gr
    Size: 40
    Scale: 1:45
    Note: sold unassembled and unpainted, base not included

    If you like to see more pictures and a video you can take a look at to buy Kate you can do it through our online store at

    AW: Terrible Kids Stuff - Kate

    Auf die liebe Kate stehe ich total muss ich sagen. Aber €21,60 mit Porto ist hart...
    Ausserdem hat Kate meiner Moderatorin den Lolli geklaut:


      AW: Terrible Kids Stuff - Kate

      Ich hab' dir am Edersee schon gesagt, dass du keine infinity-Minis mehr anmalen darfst!

      ...zum Topic: Sieht schick aus, aber wenn ich so'ne Lollipop-Mini bei mir in der Vitrine platziere, krieg' ich wieder Mecker von Eckert. Obwohl, bei dem Lolli...
      Die Kanone will mir irgendwie nicht so gefallen. Warum ist der Lauf so lang?


      Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.


        AW: Terrible Kids Stuff - Kate

        Anderer Kopf drauf und Booooom: Lara Croft :D

        Die Knarre ist glaub ich etwas Richtung UZI.

        Mir gefallen die Proportionen, das Gesicht hingegen weniger.
        Motivation ist der kleine schwächliche Bruder der Disziplin.

        Suche Rackham Confrontation Minis


          AW: Terrible Kids Stuff - Kate

          Thanks for your feedback guys, even if I can't understand german.

          Speaking about the first picture, it's the first time I see it

          While I think it looks similar to Lara Croft for the painting interpretation of Fabrizio, the idea to convert Kate in Lara is really cool!

          The first half of 'Kate' (60/120 limited copies) is on travel to their new home, here it is a picture of what our costumer will recive. You can find a complete update on our blog:


            AW: Terrible Kids Stuff - Kate

            Me, one of the prime miniature shopping victims on this planet, is looking forward to receiving one of the Kate boxes from the first batch.


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