Impact! Miniatures has launched another Chibi Kickstarter, this time with an Asian theme and could use some more backers!

The full sized artwork images can be found here:
There are 5 stretch goal miniatures to unlock once funded and stretch goals will also add additional picks to some of the pledge levels (see the table below)

Check out the campaign page and pledge if you like what you see! I'm in no way affiliated with Impact! but they seem like a nice bunch of guys and gals working hard to bring out cool stuff so I thought they could use some help!

The full sized artwork images can be found here:
There are 5 stretch goal miniatures to unlock once funded and stretch goals will also add additional picks to some of the pledge levels (see the table below)

Check out the campaign page and pledge if you like what you see! I'm in no way affiliated with Impact! but they seem like a nice bunch of guys and gals working hard to bring out cool stuff so I thought they could use some help!