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Christmas offer Aradia Miniatures - Das-Bemalforum


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Christmas offer Aradia Miniatures

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    Christmas offer Aradia Miniatures

    We have received many privat requests to have some models available soon by our website, so at the start of 2014 you’ll find two characters availables in our Webstore: “Fairy” (scale: 75mm – price: 30euro) and “Nyara: the fox lady” (scale: 54mm – price: 25euro). They will be the first characters of our two parallel lines of fantasy models, one in 75mm and the second one in 54mm.
    We’ll have 40 copies availables for “Fairy” and 40 copies for “Nyara”, so you can reserve these 2 figures writing at our e-mail from today to the 24st of December. RESERVING THEM YOU'LL HAVE FREE SHIPPING FOR WORLDWIDE!!

    AW: Christmas offer Aradia Miniatures

    I've ordered - and I hope I get both!
    wenn die leute wüssten wie nett ich bin, hätte ich auch freunde


      AW: Christmas offer Aradia Miniatures

      Hm... These are also part of your current crowdfunding campaign, right?


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