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Oddity miniatures, big announcement!

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    Oddity miniatures, big announcement!

    The big announcement!

    First of all I want to thank everyone who has helped me establish Oddity Miniatures as it has become so far. The last year has been a very learnful experience and I've met some great people along the way. For me the highlights were commissioning my first sculpt, the Hogman, done by Paul Muller and getting a chance to get my hands on the rights and moulds for the orcs formerly owned by Fictive Miniatures and launching the Indiegogo campaign. Ironically the downside was that same campaign which failed to reach its target. Luckily I was able to find the funds to complete the transaction and get them anyway. The backers who did pledge, I will be eternally grateful to, and I still can't wait to see some paintjobs by them on the orcs and more particular the Hogman! HINT!

    You might have noticed there hasn't been a lot of activity regarding Oddity. There are several reasons for this but the most important one is that I simply lacked funds to commission more sculpts and get the moulds done for the paladin and demon/zombie. Ideas a plenty, just not enough money to realize them. Combine that with lots of study work for my main income job, family life and some other things and Oddity basically has come to a stand still.

    ''Haven't I done anything during those long months then?!'' I hear you say No, far from it actually! One of things I love to do most is creating 'things'. Ideas for miniatures, games and generally whole concepts. One of the bigger projects I had lying around for years is a project called Machine Feud. A game which involves big piloted robotic suits called mecha. It was one of those things too big to handle all by myself and it just got 'stored' for a later date when I would have a chance to do something with it rpoperly. One of the great new friends I've made along the way is Paolo J L. Tarkov who is a great sculptor. He felt bored at one point during the summer and we looked if we could do something together. That thing quickly became Machine Feud. We've started the project a while ago along with another great guy, Anto Cerrato who is taking a crack at a ruleset for the mechs/game. We are taking our time with it but if you want to check it out you can do so here!

    ''What does that got to do with Oddity?!'' I hear you say once again? Well, I was contacted by Sally White of Hasslefree Miniatures with an offer to buy me out. I was really suprised about this offer and while it never was my intention to sell Oddity, I have decided to do so after a very long and hard think. I see this not as a failure, but as a chance to start over with the new knowledge in mind and which pitfalls to avoid, etc etc... After some initial hick ups due to Sally's health and busy family life things got sorted really quickly at the end of december/beginning of january and I would really like to thank Artemis Black for this! To check out the new owners of the Oddity range simply visit this link!

    Besides concentrating more on Machine Feud I can also anounce I will be working together with Ian 'Geronimo' Brumby of Fenris Games fame. Ian is a seasoned veteran of the hobby and is an established name in the games industry. Besides working on exiting new ranges, I will also be aiding him in further developing his existing ranges as well as doing some marketing & sales thingies!

    More on what we'll be working on later but unnecessary to say I am very, VERY! exited about this!!! Check out Fenris Games here;

    or here on Facebook;

    I hope I have not dissapointed anyone with this move and I am really sorry if I did! I am definitly not out of the industry, better yet! I'll be back better and stronger than ever!


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