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Not Yet Dead - Christmas special - Das-Bemalforum


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Not Yet Dead - Christmas special

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    Not Yet Dead - Christmas special

    Hallo Leute,

    es weihnachtet sehr in der Apokalypse her....oder sowas ähnlich!!!!

    CHRISTMAS SPECIAL „Bob“ – valid until 31.12.2014
    The first five (5) orders over EURO 100,- will receive a FREE Pro-Painted “Bob” Miniature painted by Peter Müller.
    This offer is limited to five orders. And will be first come, first served basis.
    NOTE: Please allow a few more days for delivery due to painting!!!!!!


    CHRISTMAS SPECIAL „1“ - valid until 31.12.2014
    Any orders over EURO 100,- will receive, for FREE two (2) single miniatures of your choice.


    CHRISTMAS SPECIAL „2“ - valid until 31.12.2014
    Any orders over EURO 200,- will receive, for FREE one (1) "Male Zombie Box (3 Zombies)" OR three (3) single miniatures of your choice.


    In the basket, before checking out, please write which offer you want in the “Order and delivery comments:“ box or write us an E-Mail with your request.

    Stay safe and survive
    (Not Yet Dead Miniatures)
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