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CP_New Skin Kickstarter is live! - Das-Bemalforum


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CP_New Skin Kickstarter is live!

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    CP_New Skin Kickstarter is live!

    The Kickstarter campaign for our very first bust is now live!

    You can check it out here;

    AW: CP_New Skin Kickstarter is live!

    The CP_New Skin Kickstarter is coming along very nicely indeed and we are a bit overwhelmed by the love she is receiving!

    There are two stretch goals already unlocked with the third one in sight!

    Stretch goal 1: Unlocked!

    Every pledge will receive a cool little print of the original CP_New Skin art by Dave Keenan!

    Read the rest of the update here;

    Stretch goal 2: Unlocked!

    It's become a bit of tradition in our campaigns to have an artist do a little journal about him or her painting the miniatures or busts. This time it is no different and I'm very excited about this artist doing one of the two box arts we have planned!

    His name is Per Nilsson and is also known as Dirty Miniatures and we think he will do a really good job on her and make a nice journal!

    Read the rest of the update here;

    Stretch goal 3: Locked!

    Roman Lappat aka Jarhead and member of the well-known Massive Voodoo crew himself will do a very interesting article about painting with raw emotions!

    Read the rest of the update here;


      AW: CP_New Skin Kickstarter is live!

      Wow the campaign for our CP_New Skin bust is simply going amazing! Much honoured by the support we are receiving and we feel truly blessed!

      With three stretch goals unlocked we need something nice, enter a nice wooden plinth made by CrazyWenky!

      Stretch goal 4 unlocks at €6750,- and the plinth will come with every bust pledged for!


        AW: CP_New Skin Kickstarter is live!

        The final days of the campaign are here with another stretch goal unlocked! Free plinths made by CrazyWenky now come with every bust pledged for!

        Plus... stickers!


          AW: CP_New Skin Kickstarter is live!

          We are in the final hours of the Kickstarter and have opened our catalogue for some really nicely priced add ons!


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