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Ouroboros Miniatures CP Yakuza - Akane bust pre-order - Das-Bemalforum


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Ouroboros Miniatures CP Yakuza - Akane bust pre-order

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    Ouroboros Miniatures CP Yakuza - Akane bust pre-order

    CP Yakuza - Akane bust pre-order

    To order please send us a private message here or on FB. Or send an email to ouroborosminiatures*@*gmail.*com* (remove the asteriks')
    We will send you a request through PayPal.

    Pre-order price: €45,- (regular price will be €50,-)
    Sculptor: Edgar Marocsek
    Concept: Tim Daniel Jonker
    Scale: 1/9th
    Size: 85mm from bottom to top
    Number of Parts: 8 (plinth is NOT included!)
    Material: Resin
    Casting: Dark Star Resin Casting

    Shipping will start towards the end of May/early June and will be sent out in order of first come, first served. This pre-order will last until the 5th of May.

    Shipping is €10,-. That includes tracking, insured and signed for delivery.

    For more pictures please look here;

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