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Ouroboros Miniatures: CP New Skin, A.I. and CP Yakuza busts official release! - Das-Bemalforum


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Ouroboros Miniatures: CP New Skin, A.I. and CP Yakuza busts official release!

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    Ouroboros Miniatures: CP New Skin, A.I. and CP Yakuza busts official release!

    Hi everyone,

    We had never officially released these so it was about time we did so! All the busts from the last two Kickstarter campaigns are now available.
    If you'are interested in getting something then just send us a PM here and we will get it sorted.

    CP_New Skin

    Concept art: Dave Keenan
    Sculptor: Edgar Marocsek
    Boxart: Per Nilsson/ Dirty miniatures
    Size: 95mm
    Material: Resin

    We will put her on offer for 7 days at €42,50 (regular price will be €47,50,-).
    Shipping & handling is €10,- which includes tracking, signed for delivery and insurance.

    A.I. - Alpha, Watson & Fractured

    Concepts & sculpts: Oleg Aleinikov
    Boxart: Luke Wilson & Antonio Rodriguez
    Size: 70mm (Alpha 90mm)
    Material: Resin

    We will put them on offer for 7 days at €45,- each (regular price will be €50,- each). Or all three together for €127,50!
    Shipping & handling is €10,- which includes tracking, signed for delivery and insurance.

    CP Yakuza - Akane, Oni, Dragoness & Kumicho

    Concepts: Tim Daniel Jonker
    Sculptor: Edgar Marocsek & Daniel Ciorba
    Boxart: coming soon
    Size: 85mm (Kumicho 80mm)
    Material: Resin

    We will put them on offer for 7 days at €45,- each (regular price will be €50,- each). Or all four together for €170,-!
    Shipping & handling is €10,- which includes tracking, signed for delivery and insurance.

    Thanks for looking!
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