Knight Models introduced new STARWARSl figures in July 2010 with the will of giving the modellers the opportunity to
assemble, paint and collect figures of their favourite characters from STARWARS Universe.

Escala: 70mm
Modelado: Alfonso Gozalo
Pintura: Alfonso Giraldes

Escala: 30mm
Modelado: Juan Navarro
Pintura: Alfonso Giraldes
Knight Models introduced new STARWARSl figures in July 2010 with the will of giving the modellers the opportunity to
assemble, paint and collect figures of their favourite characters from STARWARS Universe.

Escala: 70mm
Modelado: Alfonso Gozalo
Pintura: Alfonso Giraldes

Escala: 30mm
Modelado: Juan Navarro
Pintura: Alfonso Giraldes