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Greey Seer 18.08.2012 - Gorzow Wielkopolski - Das-Bemalforum


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Greey Seer 18.08.2012 - Gorzow Wielkopolski

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    Greey Seer 18.08.2012 - Gorzow Wielkopolski

    Am 18.08.2012 in Gorzow Wielkopolski (Polen) findet einen Malwettbewerb statt.
    Interessant ist, dass in diesem Zeit in Gorzow werden folgende Turnieren stattfinden:
    - European Team Championship in WFB
    - Individual European Championship in WFB
    - European Team Championship in WH40000
    - Individual European Championship in WH40000
    - Polish Team Championship in WFB
    - European Team Championship in Flames of War
    Alles wird 9 Tage dauern, aber Malwettbewerb ist nur am Samstag - 18.08.

    Paar hilfreiche Informationen:
    - Wo Gorzow Wielkopolski liegt klik
    - 136km Ost von Berlin
    - das Reglement kommt noch, aber die Kategorien sollten sich nicht viel unterscheiden von letztes Jahr (single fantasy, single sci-fi, large scale, unit/diorama, open)

    Wie es letztes Jahr war:

    AW: Greey Seer 18.08.2012 - Gorzow Wielkopolski

    Ben und ich werden planen dort zu sein... Yaeeeeeeeh, Grey Seeer...:D... Super Cool...
    There is nothing as sure in the world as the glittering of gold ant the treachery of Elves.

    Team Me...


      AW: Greey Seer 18.08.2012 - Gorzow Wielkopolski

      Hehe, meine Freundin ist in Gorzow zur Schule gegangen, das Event könnte ich ja mit einem Besuch bei meinen Schwiegereltern verbinden. Der Golden Deamon 2008 in Poznan war schon verdammt fetzig. Mal schauen, vielleicht bekomme ich ja sogar nen Betrag fertig .

      cheers, johny


        AW: Greey Seer 18.08.2012 - Gorzow Wielkopolski

        Sollte ich tatsächlich nach Berlin ziehen, kann ich zu diesem Thema nur eines sagen...

        Dabei ist alles.



          AW: Greey Seer 18.08.2012 - Gorzow Wielkopolski

          Er lebt :shock:
          Aber denk dran, was ich dir dazu gesagt hab, Zaphi...
          Freie Fotografie

          Fotowelt Jansen


            AW: Greey Seer 18.08.2012 - Gorzow Wielkopolski

            I. GENERAL RULES

            1. Submissions:

            1.Painter can submit his works in any number of categories, though no more than 1 entry in any category.
            2.Painters can submit their works only. Team works or submitting works on behalf of other painters will not be accepted.
            3.All submissions need to be painted. "Sculpt" Category is the only exception.
            4.Compatibility with gaming rules is not required. Compatibility with rule sets will not be judged.
            5.It is allowed to submit own sculpts and converted entries. It is allowed to submit works comprising of models and products of different manufacturers. Models of different manufacturers may be combined to create a single submission.
            6.Works which already took gold/silver/bronze or distinction (finalist, first cut) in other polish competitions will not be accepted.
            7.All entries are submitted at the submitter’s risk.
            8.By submitting an entry painter confirms approval of the rules and certifies that submitted entries are his/her.

            2. Disqualifications:

            1.Submitting an entry breaching the rules will cause disqualification of all works of the painter.
            2.Submitting a team work or work of other painters will cause disqualification of all works of the painter and ban for all future editions of the competition.
            3.Disqualification can happen after the results announcement, if evidence is found.
            4.Disqualified painter is no longer entitled to any rewards received.
            5.Disqualification may cause changes of winners and awards.

            3. Judging:

            1.Works shall be judged by jury members only.
            2.Entries shall be judged on modeling and painting merits, creativity, originality and overall effect.
            3.Proper workmanship is required from all honored works. Coherency of used models and bases is required from all honored works in Diorama category.
            4.The first judging phase will be selection of honored works, which will be awarded with a finalist diploma.
            5.The second judging phase is a final, when 3 winning entries shall be selected. Winners will receive statues (gold, silver, bronze).
            6.The third judging stage is selection of the overall winner (“Grand Prix”). This entry will be awarded with a main prize.
            7.The additional award (“Junior” diploma) will be provided for the best work submitted by a painter born in 1996 or younger.
            8.Judges’ decisions are definite, the only possible exception are changes caused by a disqualification.
            9.Prizes may be provided by the organizer for winners and honored painters.
            10.Prizes may also be provided for randomly selected competitors, which were not awarded by judges.

            4. Categories:

            1.Painter shall declare which category a work is being entered to.
            2.Judges are entitled to move any work to another category if they find it more appropriate.
            3.Judges are entitled to join different categories, if low number of submissions might cause poor competition level.
            4.If any painter has more than 1 entry in any category due to judges decision (check item I.4.2 and I.4.3 above), only 1 entry shall be subject to judging as per judges’ decision. All other works are shown in a category, but are effectively not taking part in the competition.

            II. CATEGORIES

            1. Single model – fantasy:

            1.This category is for fantasy models and historical models (before 1914).
            2.Submission shall be a single model on foot in 32mm scale or smaller, size comparable to human models.
            3.Model shall be based.
            4.Any base shape is allowed, its size should not be bigger than 10x10cm or diameter of 10cm.

            2. Single model – SF:

            1.This category is for science-fiction models and historical (after 1914).
            2.Submission shall be a single model on foot in 32mm scale or smaller, size comparable to human models.
            3.Model shall be based.
            4.Any base shape is allowed, its size should not be bigger than 10x10cm or diameter of 10cm.

            3. Large model:

            1.This category is for models in 54mm scale or bigger, size comparable to human models.
            2.This category is also for big models in smaller scales, if their size is comparable to models described in item 1.
            3.Cavalry models, bikes etc. are also eligible for this category.
            4.Model shall be based.
            5.Any base shape is allowed, its size should not be bigger than 20x20cm or diameter of 20cm, unless the model’s size requires a bigger base.
            6.In case of small number of entires, this category will be joined with the "Open" category.

            4. Vehicle/War machine:

            1.This category is for vehicle/War machine models or any other type of machine (tank, Dreadnought, car, carriage, Bolt Thrower with crew, Transformer).
            2.All entries don't have to be relate to any time period. It can be an old caravel or a space ship.
            3.Model shall be based.
            4.Bases are not required for war machines and vehicles, unless there is separate crew included (e.g. cannon and crew).
            5.Crew should be only an addition to the vehicle, i.e Orcs sitting at the back of the truck. If the jury decides that the crew tells a story and the vehicle is only an addition, then the entry should be moved into "Diorama" category.
            6.Any base shape is allowed, its size should not be bigger than 20x20cm or diameter of 20cm, unless the model’s size requires a bigger base.
            7.In case of small number of entires, this category will be joined with the "Large model" category.

            5. Diorama:

            1.Work shall consist of at least 1 model on a scenic base.
            2.Size and shape of the scenic base are not limited anyhow.
            3.Story presented on a diorama, integration of models with other models and with a scene, as well as interaction between models shall be subject to judging.
            4.Duels should be entered in this category. The size and number of miniatures are not limited. It can be two knights fighting together, or two demons as well.
            5.In case of small number of entires, this category will be joined with the "Open" category.

            6. Unit:

            1.This category is treated as one entry, but with difference for special types of units
            a)min 10 models - that are usually put in one block (goblins, elves, witch elves, soldiers from Napoleonic era. This unit doesn't have to be put in one line and can be placed on a scenic base.
            b)min 5 models - all motorbikes, terminators, Catachans, Scouts, cavalry and other compositions created from different manufacturers, different sizes. It is allowed to mix the cavalry and regular soldiers.
            c) min 3 models - big models, i.e. three rhinox riders three stone trolls and other same or bigger size-wise miniatures.
            2.Size and shape of the scenic base are not limited anyhow.
            3.Miniatures within a unit need to look coherent.
            4.When submitting an entry it is enough to write 'Unit' in category field. The distinction is done based on number on miniatures, manufacturers and personal preferences.
            5.In case of small number of entires, this category will be joined with the "Diorama" category.

            7. Sculpt/conversion:

            1.This category is for own made sculpts (doesn't matter from what made of)
            2.Finished sculpt can contain ready elements - so called bits.
            3.Entry can be of different scale and don't have to be based in an time period.
            4.Entry can represent any topic.
            5.Dioramas, units and other smaller or bigger group of models, duels, are not allowed. Allowed are single mounted miniature or any similar (goblin on squig, orc on boar)
            6.The entry cannot be painted or primed.
            7.The entry cannot be a copy or a cast of an orginal, even if it was done by the author.
            8.Entry doesn't have to be based.
            9.In case of small number of entires, this category will be joined with the "Open" category.

            8. Open:

            1.In this category are entered all entries that don't match above listed categories.
            2.Entry doesn't have to be based in an time period and can represent any topic.
            3.In this category fall busts (all scales), models in 1:16 scale (120mm) and bigger - 1:9, big ships (1:700, 1:350) and everything that comes to your mind - buildings, monoliths, fortifications, castles in any scale.
            4.In case of small number of entires, this category will be joined with the "Large model" category.
            Zuletzt geändert von meer.mann; 14.08.2012, 19:50.


              AW: Greey Seer 18.08.2012 - Gorzow Wielkopolski

              Ein bisschen mehr Informationen:

              Entry fees:
              Adults (above 18 years) - 10zł = €2,5.
              Young (under 18 years) - entry for free

              Additionally contest members have free admission for other events.
              Tournament players can entry the painting contest for free.

              The whole money from entries will be spent on the prizes.

              - Mahoń,
              - Kacpero,
              - Sławol

              Sponsors and prizes:

              This year's awards are going to be very precious, so there is what to fight for. The participation and support (not only in products but also financial) provide companies such as:MaxMini, Ścibor Monstrous Miniatures, HobbyZone and musical shop Vimuz. And there can be more!

              HobbyZone shop funded some high quality professional paints' stands and modelling stations, which review and opinion at first hand - written by Ana from the Chest of Colors - you can read here:
              Review of the table and paints' stands

              If you click the banner you can check the shopping range from HobbyZone:

              Musical shop Vimuz:

              Apart from that there will be a Grand Prix award for the best work in the whole contest and other honourable mentions, but more information are to come
              Zuletzt geändert von meer.mann; 27.07.2012, 10:11.


                AW: Greey Seer 18.08.2012 - Gorzow Wielkopolski

                Also Leute, wer kommt mit? Ist von Berlin aus wirklich um die Ecke...
                There is nothing as sure in the world as the glittering of gold ant the treachery of Elves.

                Team Me...


                  AW: Greey Seer 18.08.2012 - Gorzow Wielkopolski

                  Ich bin dabei


                    AW: Greey Seer 18.08.2012 - Gorzow Wielkopolski

                    I will take it!
                    I WILL TAKE IT!

                    I will take the Mini to Gorzow Wielkopolski.

                    Though... I do not know the way.


                      AW: Greey Seer 18.08.2012 - Gorzow Wielkopolski

                      Ja, kriegen wir schon hin... Von Berlin aus nach Kostrzyn ist es nur ein 5 EURO Katzensprung und von dort aus gibt es sicher einen Bus... Erst mal GD, dann Grey Seer...:D...
                      There is nothing as sure in the world as the glittering of gold ant the treachery of Elves.

                      Team Me...


                        AW: Greey Seer 18.08.2012 - Gorzow Wielkopolski

                        Jo, wir planen schon, wie wir nach dem Games Day direkt das nächste Nerd Camp starten.
                        (Wir machen gerade ein Nerd Camp, was ca. 14 Tage laufen wird...)


                          AW: Greey Seer 18.08.2012 - Gorzow Wielkopolski

                          Some more information:

                          Date and axact address:
                          18.08.12 (Saturday) during the ETC.
                          Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 1 (Hihg school no.1)
                          Puszkina Street 31
                          66-400 Gorzów Wlkp.

                          Submission time - 09:30-12:30
                          Judging - 13:00-17:00
                          The award ceremony and the end of the competition - about 18:00

                          A new sponsor has offered more prizes:

                          All information about events in Gorzow are shown here:


                          GENERAL INFORMATION:

                          - there is a NETTO disount shop close by
                          - there will be a great barbecue, professional catering (which is already running for a few days)
                          - Leaflets with food on the shuttle will be available at the judges' table,
                          - Restaurants, pubs, discos, etc. ->


                          - "Only Gorzów" 957288888
                          - "Eska Taxi" 957222222
                          - "Nova Taxi" 957255555
                          - "Plus Taxi" 95 1 9661 <--- note you enter the "1" after the code
                          - "City Taxi" 95 1 9627
                          - "Joker Taxi" 95 1 9464
                          - "Top Taxi" 95 1 9629

                          Hotels / dormitories / lodging, etc.:
                          - Hotel Asylum
                          - Hotel Dworcowy (at the train station)
                          - Hotel Hussain (
                          - Hotel Gorzow (
                          - Youth
                          - Physical Education Student
                          - Hotel MCM

                          And a bit more expensive:
                          - Grace Hotel *** (
                          - Mieszko Hotel *** (
                          - Qubus Hotel **** (

                          - If someone wants to learn more about Gorzow Wielkopolski ->

                          And if someone goes with a female companion, we recommend:

                          In addition, on Saturday there will be a party in club MANA MANA.


                            AW: Greey Seer 18.08.2012 - Gorzow Wielkopolski

                            Unfortunately I will be baking in the sun that weekend Would have loved to come by... Certainly will go next year!


                              AW: Greey Seer 18.08.2012 - Gorzow Wielkopolski

                              Last portion of news for you:
                              1. new sponsors - the company Black Rune founded a small bag for figurines, and print house Portal sponsors- 3 figures:

                              2. The entry form is downloadable now, for here ->

                              Please fill it in capital letters. The last part is missing the "Name", because this part will be located under the figure of the exposure. The other two are for the participant and the jury. Of course there will be an opportunity to fill the card in place at the table the application.

                              3. I regret to inform that the Mahon from the jury at 99% won't show up at the party, so we have an emergency situation. It is announced in advance so that it was not a surprise We have a replacement - a sculptor from Titan Forge, Slawek.

                              At the moment the jury is as follows: Kacpero, Slawek, Sławol.


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