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Hussar 2013 - 19.10.2013, Warschau

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    Hussar 2013 - 19.10.2013, Warschau



    1. Submissions:

    1. Painter can submit any number of entries, though no more than 1 entry in any category.
    2. Painters can submit their own works only. Team works or submitting works on behalf of other painters will not be accepted.
    3. Compatibility with gaming rules is not required.
    4. It is allowed to submit own sculpts and converted models. It is allowed to submit works comprising of models and products of different manufacturers. Models of different manufacturers may be combined to create a single submission.
    5. Works which already took gold/silver/bronze in other competitions will not be accepted.
    6. All entries are submitted at the submitter’s risk.
    7. By submitting an entry painter confirms approval of the rules and certifies that submitted entries are his/her.

    2. Disqualifications:
    1. Submitting an entry breaching the rules will cause disqualification of all works of the painter.
    2. Submitting a team work or work of other painters will cause disqualification of all works of the painter and ban for all future editions of the competition.
    3. Disqualification can occur after the results announcement, if evidence is found.
    4. Disqualified painter is no longer entitled to any rewards received.
    5. Disqualification may cause changes of winners and awards.

    3. Judging:
    1. Works shall be judged by jury members only.
    2. Entries shall be judged on modelling and painting merits, creativity, originality and overall effect.
    3. The first judging phase will be selection of honoured works, which will be qualified for the finals.
    4. The second judging phase is a final, when 3 winning entries shall be selected in every category (gold, silver, bronze).
    5. The third judging stage is selection of the overall winner (“Best of Show”).
    6. The additional award (“Junior”) may be provided for the best work submitted by a painter born in 1997 or younger.
    7. Judges’ decisions are definite, the only possible exception are changes caused by a disqualification.
    8. Awards (statues, diplomas) and prizes may be provided by the organiser for winners and honoured painters.
    9. Additional prizes may also be provided for randomly selected competitors, who were not awarded by judges.

    4. Categories:
    1. Painter shall declare which category a work is being entered to.
    2. Judges are entitled to move any work to another category if they find it more appropriate.
    3. Judges are entitled to join different categories, if low number of submissions caused poor competition level.
    4. If any painter has more than 1 entry in any category due to judges’ decision, only 1 entry shall be subject to judging as per judges’ decision. All other works are shown in a category, but are effectively not taking part in the competition.


    1. Single model – fantasy:

    1. This category is for fantasy and historical (before 1914) models.
    2. Submission shall be a single model on foot in 32mm scale or smaller, with a size comparable to human models.
    3. Model shall be based.
    4. Any base shape is allowed, though its size should not be bigger than 10x10cm or diameter of 10cm.

    2. Single model – SF:
    1. This category is for science-fiction and historical (after 1914) models.
    2. Submission shall be a single model on foot in 32mm scale or smaller, with a size comparable to human models.
    3. Model shall be based.
    4. Any base shape is allowed, though its size should not be bigger than 10x10cm or diameter of 10cm.

    3. Large model:
    1. This category is for models with a size comparable to human models in 54mm scale or bigger.
    2. This category is also for big models in smaller scales, if their size is comparable to models described in item 1.
    3. Cavalry models in any scale are also eligible for this category.
    4. Busts in any scale shall be entered in this category.
    5. Model shall be based.
    6. Any base shape is allowed, though its size should not be bigger than 20x20cm or diameter of 20cm, unless the model’s size requires a bigger base.

    4. War machine:
    1. This category is for models of war machines in any scale, both fantasy and historical, with or without a crew.
    2. This category covers any ground, aerial or amphibious vehicles.
    3. Motorcycle models in any scale are also eligible for this category.
    4. Civil vehicles are eligible for this category.
    5. Bases are not required for war machines and vehicles, unless there is a separate crew included (e.g. cannon and crew).

    5. Diorama:
    1. Work shall consist of at least 1 model on a scenic base, regardless of the scale or universe.
    2. Size and shape of the scenic base are not limited anyhow.
    3. Story presented on a diorama, integration of models with other models and with a scene, as well as interaction between models shall be subject to judging.

    6. Unit:
    1. This category is also for groups of at least 3 models forming units.
    2. It is allowed to mix models with different type, size and equipment to form a group of models. It is also allowed to mix models on foot with cavalry, as well as models of different manufacturers.
    3. Size and shape of the scenic base are not limited anyhow
    4. Units shall be placed on a base or moving tray to make handling easier, no matter what formation they adapt.

    7. Showcase:
    1. This category is an off-competition category; entries shall not be subject to judging and awarding procedures!
    2. This category is for any type of entries, fitting or not above categories, even only remotely related to miniatures and modelling hobbies.
    3. Entries shall be used to create an off-competition showcase for participants and guests.

    III. ANNEX – examples of entries legitimate for different categories

    Single model – fantasy:

    Warhammer orcs, Confrontation dwarfs, Foundry pirates, Black Scorpion Miniatures cowboys.

    Single model – SF:
    Warhammer 40.000 space marines, Inifinity humans, Black Scorpion Miniatures US marines, Foundry Wehrmacht model.

    Large model:
    Historical models in 54mm scale or bigger, Warhammer trolls, Mantic Games cavalry, dragons, busts.

    War machine:
    Warhammer 40.000 dreadnoughts or bikes, Dust Tactics mechas, tank or plane model, civil vehicle model, WFB chariots and cannons.

    Developed diorama with one model, huge battle scene.

    Warhammer 40.000 space marines unit, pirate band comprising models from different companies.

    Anything related to a hobby! Examples like above plus sculpts, armies, table-top terrains etc.

    Contest is to be held on 19 October 2013 in the Dom Kultury (Community Centre) Rakowiec – 8 Wiślicka St., Warsaw, Poland. The main competition will most probably be accompanied by other events like painting and sculpting workshops, speed painting contest and the already famous after-party in the café located within the same building

    Usually, entries are accepted between 10:00-13:00, with results officially announced at 18:00. Entrance fee for the whole day (main contest and accompanying events) was ~2.5€ in previous years.

    The official site will be put up as soon as possible. The main prize in the last two editions of Hussar was the return ticket to Crystal Brush contest sponsored by CMON. But, there's usually a heap of other prizes to be won (not to mention Hussar statues)

    Wir treffen genau wo letztes Jahr:
    Kulturhaus Rakowiec,
    Wiślicka 8 Strasse

    Bei allen Fragen stehe ich euch gerne zur Verfügung!
    Zuletzt geändert von meer.mann; 15.03.2013, 14:14.

    AW: Hussar 2013 - 19.10.2013, Warschau

    Expect a lot more Visitors as the GD´s are cancelled this year...... I am looking forward to the Hussar 2013!
    There is nothing as sure in the world as the glittering of gold ant the treachery of Elves.

    Team Me...


      AW: Hussar 2013 - 19.10.2013, Warschau

      Hier meine Bilder vom Hussar:

      Ein Bericht folgt die Woche. Nur kurz vorweg es war ein klasse Event und es war die weite Anreise mehr als wert in vielerlei Hinsicht! Ich plane schon nächstes Jahr wieder hin zu fahren und ich hoffe es kommen mehr Leute aus der deutschen Community mit!

      Also bis die Tage.

      Zuletzt geändert von Begbie; 21.10.2013, 21:17.
      There is no absolute truth. This is my truth. This is not your truth.


        AW: Hussar 2013 - 19.10.2013, Warschau

        Hallo Klaus,
        konnte man denn auf der HUSAR noch einen von den Squikreiter vom letzten Jahr kaufen?
        Danke für die Bilder!
        wenn die leute wüssten wie nett ich bin, hätte ich auch freunde


          AW: Hussar 2013 - 19.10.2013, Warschau

          Ich habe keinen Squigreiter gesehen, habe aber auch nicht gezielt Ausschau gehalten...

          Also ich habe somit keinen.

          Und gerne, ich hoffe die Bilder spornt die Meute an nächstes Jahr selbst hin zu fahren.

          There is no absolute truth. This is my truth. This is not your truth.


            AW: Hussar 2013 - 19.10.2013, Warschau

            Hey Klaus, danke für die Bilder! Hammer Niveau!



              AW: Hussar 2013 - 19.10.2013, Warschau

              Danke für die Fotos Klaus!
              Es war echt super dich und Michael kennenzulernen.


                AW: Hussar 2013 - 19.10.2013, Warschau

                Hey Klaus,
                vielen Dank für die Bilder. Ich hoffe, dass es nächstes Jahr besser past und ich mitfahren kann. Bis dato ist sicher auch mein Polnisch besser.

                cheers, johny


                  AW: Hussar 2013 - 19.10.2013, Warschau

                  Cool, coolcoolcool! Danke für die Bilder.


                    AW: Hussar 2013 - 19.10.2013, Warschau

                    So hier ist mein Bericht, erstmal in englisch, nur wenn hier Leute Interesse dran haben übersetze ich ihn die Tage, da ich recht busy im Moment bin:

                    Well, well, well folks,

                    last weekend I've traveled the first time in my life to Poland, to be more specific to Warsaw. For what reason? For the 4th Edition of the Hussar, of cause! Well if you haven't heard about this great contest, you should definitely read on. And if you have heard about it, go on reading as well!

                    I arrived on Friday around midnight, and on my taxi ride from the station to my hotel, I could already see it's definitely a town more then worth visiting. I checked in at my five star hotel, which was cheaper but more luxurious then a lot of three star hotels I've been to. So the start of my weekend was already under good stars. At the lobby I met my friend and president Zaphod Beeblebrox aka Michael Bartels from I carried my stuff up into my room and then we went for a walk. Warsaw at night, what a sight! At 2 am after a longer chat i went to bed, already with a thrill of anticipation on how the next day will be.

                    I went up at 9 am, prepared myself, went to the lobby and waited there for the president. We took a taxi and after a 10 minutes ride we arrived at the Community Centre Rakowiec .
                    We went in and came into the exhibition room with already some people in there. With the aura of the president next to me, people started to turn to us and welcome us. I felt welcome from the first second I entered the room. We also met Stefan Johnsson ( ) who accompanied us the whole day. When I started unpacking my eight entries (4 for the unjudged category called "showcase", the rest for 4 of 6 categories), people were coming to me and asking if they could have a look. They seemed to like my work which made me proud, as it came from some of Polands pro painters I knew from the big mind-cluster called internet... I entered my miniatures in "single model - fantasy", "single model - SF", "Large Model" and "diorama". Only in "war machine" and "unit" I didn't enter. So the kind of categories they've got, are quiet a solid standard choice. Also the prize system was solid standard, meaning one gold, one silver and one bronze per category. But the real cool thing I got surprised by during the award ceremony was that all finalists got an honorable mention and are here fore called up onto the stage. So even if you haven't made it for a placing you could get your moment of fame on the stage of winners!
                    Ah well back to the events during the day. We ran around the exhibition room looking at miniatures, taking photos and most of the time talking to the amazing people all around us. Also I had a look or two at the miniatures sold in the shopping area upstairs and in the exhibition room. As always before a event I said to myself I wouldn't buy a miniature. Well this time a Luke Skywalker from Knight Models and a cool girl called Morgenstern from Mauser Earth made it into my shopping bag...
                    In the room where the award ceremony would be later on, there was a 90 min or so painting demonstration with the famous painter Karol Rudyk ( ) from Poland about the kind of freehand he had painted on his albino orc on wyvern called "The Hunting". After that we went for the second round of speed painting as we didn't join the first round. After 30 minutes of flying brushes and flowing paint, we had again some time for some chatting an to have a look at the rest of the miniatures that were entered into the contest that we hadn't seen yet (entering models ended at 1 pm). Wow! All the miniatures I saw in the cabinets entered into the exhibition were just top notch work! I mean for real, there were nearly no beginner entries and if so they were mostly by the painting community youth starting at age 6. Those miniatures were also looking awesome from the point of view that they've been painted by young ones! I was overwhelmed by the top notch works, the scenes, their light situations, color choices, blendings, freehands, created moods, in total just mind blowing.
                    So it was a reaaaaalllly high painting standard, definitely comparable to my favorite event in Germany "the duke of Bavaria". The number of entries if I heard and remember it correctly was around 100, which I think for such a young event (4th Edition) is really good.
                    After the second session of jibber jabber and photographing miniatures, we went upstairs to another painting demonstration with no different then painting legend Julio Cabos! He painted skin on an Andrea pinup model and metallics on a knight. Ah btw both painting demonstrations were in english and polish, the one with Karol has been translated to english and the one with Julio to polish. The presentation was filmed and shown on a big screen and as the quality of the camera was that good there was no need to stand up and have a look over the shoulder of the painter, which means not you weren't able to do that. Asking questions was allowed and even wanted.
                    After the presentation there was still time left before the award ceremony to talk more, have another look at the miniatures, buy something or grab something to eat. In the building there was a small shop to buy some food and drinks, if you needed some more fancy food I heard there was a pizzeria or so nearby. Well I didn't make it there as I was kind of satisfied with the portion of scrambled eggs and pancakes in the morning and later on some fries from the in-house shop.
                    Then it came, the award ceremony. We all went up into the hall where the painting demonstrations had been, eagerly waiting for the results. After Michal Pisarski's ( ) friends made some jokes about him and his company logo in the shape of the Facebook thump up pointing downwards in silver, it started.
                    After some introduction and thanks to all the people at the event, they started with the real award ceremony. At the beginning Julio Cabos gave a special award to his best of show toooo...Karol Rudyk for his albino orc on wyvern! Congrats! Then the first category fantasy single, first name...MINE! I was like woooot??? I went up ready to receive a trophy, but instead I got a diploma and a miniature. Confused as I always am, I nearly went off the stage but was told to stay on stage at the side (during the introduction of the ceremony we were told this but as confused as I've been at that moment, I had forgotten about it). When I arrived at my destination on the side of the stage , I had a look at the diploma. It said "Honourable mention", ahhhh, that's why no trophy for me. But how cool is that, finalists get attention too, not only the winners! Great idea!
                    So the ceremony went on, all the finalists and winners got their well deserved moments of acknowledgement, then in one of the last categories, I already was in the mode of just being happy for everyone else, I heard my name again for a first place and again I was like WOOOOOOT??? So happy I made gold in diorama with the nurgle swamp i showed you a while ago ( ). Ceremony continued and went to the best of show. Then it happened, the miniature that was shown on the screen was by Stefan Johnsson, the dude I spent the whole day with besides to our president. I could see in his face that this time he was like WooOOOOoooOOooottTTttTT???? Congrats again dude.
                    Funny thing, just before the ceremony Stefan, the president and me were standing together chatting as the president said "Concerning the niveau of the contest, I would look quiet like a pro painter if you both don't place". Well after the ceremony he just said with a single tear in his eyes " How do I look now...".
                    After the contest there was an after-show-party in the room next to the small in-house shop. Chatting, beer, more chatting, more beer and so on. After that we split up and some of us went to Bogusz Bohun Stupnicki and his wifes place to partey on. But this is a another Story.
                    All I can say for now is that I was told my president and me arrived at our hotel around 5 am. Concerning the hangover I still had on Sunday 1 pm, that might have been right. I somehow managed to crawl out of the hotel into the train to ride home...

                    So in total this was an awesome event, the niveau was high, the people nice, the organization great and the vodka wet. I'm planning to go next year again, this time i'll take some days off to be able to walk through the streets of Warsaw. Hope you people out there reading this will come as well, it will be heaps of fun!

                    Now the winners list and some links to picture galleries of the event:

                    ""h13 results:

                    SPEED PAINTING
                    1. Grzegorz Kluska
                    2. Piotr Czajka
                    3. Michał Pisarski

                    SINGLE FANTASY:

                    1. Michał -Lan- Pisarski „Witch Elf”
                    2. Artur -Artur- Żołędowski „Kval Kartan”
                    3. Marián Hodas „Knightmare”
                    honourable mentions
                    Klaus Dorn „Fat guy in the woods”
                    Nadezhda -Hope River- Reka „Practice time”
                    Kirill -Yellow One- Kanaev „Magus”
                    Krzysztof -Redav- Kobalczyk „Inquisitor”

                    SINGLE S-F

                    1. Artur -Artur- Żołędowski „Snikrot”
                    2. Łukasz -Ctan- Grzyb „Nurgle Lord”
                    3. Jarek -Camelson- Drabek „Libra”
                    honourable mentions
                    Michał -Lan- Pisarski „Chaos Space Marine”
                    Edwin -Daith- Smoliński „Ultramarine Librarian”
                    Marián Hodas „Anathematic”

                    LARGE MODEL

                    1. Stefan -Skelett S- Johnsson „Rhinotaurus”
                    2. Karol Rudyk „The Hunting”
                    3. Adam -Loler- Hałon „Wiedźmin”
                    honourable mentions
                    Krzysztof -Redav- Kobalczyk „Dat Ass”
                    Piotr Czajka „Cyber Punk”
                    Marián Hodas „Persian Princess”


                    1. Klaus Dorn „Nurgle in the woods”
                    2. Łukasz -Luka/Frost- Mrozek „Top Gunz”
                    3. Łukasz -Ctan- Grzyb „Meadow of Doom”
                    honourable mentions
                    Artur -Artur- Żołędowski „Tinker-Belle”
                    Piotr Czajka „Girl and her Sentinel”
                    Mariusz Bieńczyk „Niemiecki żołnierz”


                    1. Karol Rudyk „Lords of Shadow”
                    2. Kirill -Yellow One- Kanaev „Palladins squad”
                    3. Radovan Rybović „Imperial Guard Spec. Forces”
                    honourable mentions
                    Łukasz -Ctan- Grzyb „Raptors”
                    Łukasz Mazur „Chłopcy z Placu Broni”
                    Stefan -Skelett S- Johnsson „Pink Horrors”

                    WAR MACHINE
                    1. Marcin Kalbarczyk „Menck 154”
                    2. Piotr Czajka „Asuka”
                    3. Stefan -Skelett S- Johnsson „Grot Tank”
                    honourable mentions
                    Tomasz Hanke „Ork Ultra Dredd”
                    Nadezhda -HopeRiver- Reka „Crimson Hunter”
                    Łukasz -Ctan- Grzyb „Czołg „Nosorożec” z zakonu Czerwonych Skorpionów”

                    BEST JUNIOR
                    Juliusz Brysik „Paszczak”

                    GRAND PRIX
                    Stefan -Skelett S- Johnsson „Rhinotaurus” ""

                    (Source: Facebook page of the Hussar 2013 )


                    -Other Sources:

                    So hope to see you there next year!

                    There is no absolute truth. This is my truth. This is not your truth.


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