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FIGONE - Der Ultimative Workshop 03.07. - 11.07.2010! - Das-Bemalforum


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FIGONE - Der Ultimative Workshop 03.07. - 11.07.2010!

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    FIGONE - Der Ultimative Workshop 03.07. - 11.07.2010!

    Hi Di Ho!

    Einige Unter Euch haben es sicherlich schon vorher mitbekommen, trotzdem soll an dieser Stelle nun auch ein offizieller Thread zu einem -wenn nicht DEM- wichtigsten Miniaturenworkshops der Welt entstehen...... Der FIGONE...

    Es handelt sich dabei um einen mehrtägigen Workshop in Montelimar einer großen Gruppe französischer, spanischer, belgischer Miniaturenmaler und einem österreichischen Sculptor, angeleitet von dem grossen Jeremié Bonamant Teboul höchstpersönlich......

    Alle weiteren Informationen findet Ihr, wenn Ihr dem Link unten folgt... Die Plätze sind fast alle vergriffen, also marsch marsch...

    - “A la carte” Workshops during 2, 4 5 7 or 9 days !

    - Painting, sculpting, airbrush, bases, tabletop, oil painting...

    - Workshops, seminars, exhibitions...

    -JA Gillois, Alfonso Giraldes, Jose Manuel Palomares, Jérémie Bonamant Teboul, Mohand, Laurent Mas, Alex Cortina, Carles Vaquero, Romain Van Den Bogaert, Edgar Skomorovski…
    There is nothing as sure in the world as the glittering of gold ant the treachery of Elves.

    Team Me...

    AW: FIGONE - Der Ultimative Workshop 03.07. - 11.07.2010!

    Here is some more information about this week that promises to be unforgettable !!
    Almost 40 people have already registered. The attendees are coming from Italy, Spain, Germany, Sweden, UK….
    Undoubtedly the atmosphere will be set fair during this week of FIFA World Cup. But don’t worry, a TV and a WIFI access will be set in.
    This popularity forced us to make a few (positive) arrangements.
    Thomas David will thus join the mentor team, not only with a sculpting course but with a painting workshop too !
    Jose Manuel Palomares will give a five-day course instead of the two-day course formerly announced!
    And do you know POC ? you surely do : he’s the writer of Naheulbeuk’s dungeon ! He will be one of us, playing music, during the last week-end!!
    At last, as if excellent news won’t suffice, and if affluence is still growing on, maybe Mike Mc Vey himself will come in.
    The only little downside is the tabletop painting course doesn’t seem to be attractive. Since then, Mohand’s workshop is cancelled. Don’t worry, he is not upset as he will able to attend to the wedding of a good friend of us ! I bet you don’t care, but our pal surely doesn’t !
    So keep tuned ; pictures of the exclusive mini will come with the next update !!!


      AW: FIGONE - Der Ultimative Workshop 03.07. - 11.07.2010!

      The german "subscription" is here


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