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Fantasy Prototype: Earthquake - Das-Bemalforum


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Fantasy Prototype: Earthquake

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    Fantasy Prototype: Earthquake

    This Monster is the first prototype that I decided to present, designed and sculpted by me. Come to know me.

    on web

    Claudio Casini Art

    AW: Fantasy Prototype: Earthquake

    Hey, Claudio!

    Welcome to the forum! Its always great to find friends from other countries who share our passion for miniatures

    Personally, I am not the "monster" type, I prefer "normal" people and "normal" aliens :D
    But your sculpt looks promising! Is this going to be a miniature people will be able to buy or is it just for you?

    Again, welcome to the "blue side of life!"


    aka Zaphod Beeblebrox


      Re: Fantasy Prototype: Earthquake

      hello, answering your questions then I'll tell you all the details for purchase are on my site whose link is below.
      But I want to clarify that I do small productions limited edition all handmade.
      My goal is to make the craftsman ... I do not care if we sell 100 models when they get home is to clean or fix. Each piece is correct and arranged. You can also request changes to the original piece.
      on web

      Claudio Casini Art


        Re: Fantasy Prototype: Earthquake

        New version by EmptyV
        WIP 1
        on web

        Claudio Casini Art


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