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maya 32mm

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    maya 32mm

    ‎32mm eyes
    Materials as usual mix of green stuff with Magic Sculpt.
    This figure made for a private collection.

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    Zuletzt geändert von Sergey Savenkov; 28.11.2012, 22:37.

    AW: maya 32mm

    The Maya is looking good, as far as I can see...

    The pics are a little too small to get a clue, how she does look like!

    Best regards
    The Sgt
    Mal-Zeit!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


      AW: maya 32mm

      The mini is great, except of the thing in front of his stomach. Compared with the rest of the mini it looks a litte bit carelessly or non-detailled.

      I hope that the new owner could enjoy this mini enough untill the mayan-predicted doomsday ;-)

      The pics are big enough. You just have to click on them ^^


        AW: maya 32mm

        Zitat von moriar Beitrag anzeigen
        The mini is great, except of the thing in front of his stomach. Compared with the rest of the mini it looks a litte bit carelessly or non-detailled.

        I hope that the new owner could enjoy this mini enough untill the mayan-predicted doomsday ;-)

        The pics are big enough. You just have to click on them ^^

        Thank you!
        As a reference image I used:

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          AW: maya 32mm

          I like Mayans.... I hope someone fixes their calendar, though.... :!:


            AW: maya 32mm

            I think you should cast and sell it, maybe we can reanimate the mayas in that way, and they aren't angry on the planet anymore. Maybe they change their decision not to kill us all :grin:

            I love the sculpt. Absolutely cool.

            Greetz The Artfist
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              AW: maya 32mm

              Hi there,

              after having been in native mayan countries for a while, i really their history and what we know about them. therefore i love your model.
              the only thing that looks weird is the bulky belt thing. yes, it looks similar to the belt on the picture, but i think you misunderstood how it should look like.
              i´am almost sure that the square parts on the left and right are some kind of bandages or belt to which the "faceplate" is fixed.

              but anyways nice sculpt



                AW: maya 32mm

                Zitat von moses Beitrag anzeigen
                Hi there,

                after having been in native mayan countries for a while, i really their history and what we know about them. therefore i love your model.
                the only thing that looks weird is the bulky belt thing. yes, it looks similar to the belt on the picture, but i think you misunderstood how it should look like.
                i´am almost sure that the square parts on the left and right are some kind of bandages or belt to which the "faceplate" is fixed.

                but anyways nice sculpt

                Thanks Moses!
                I'd love to visit countries of maya. Murals you can not always understand how they dressed the Mayans, I try to redo this staple, which is maintained by a bandage.


                  AW: maya 32mm

                  Few pictures painted figurines
                  Constantine Pinaev

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                    AW: maya 32mm

                    WOW...! Great sculpting and painting!!!!


                      AW: maya 32mm



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