Aus dem CMON Board ( ) :
Ein sehr interessanter Thread, und für GW siehts mal gar nicht so rosig aus.
Meine 2 Cent: Imho hat der, der die 5 Thesen gepostet hat, den Nagel auf den Kopf getroffen. GW bekommt nun endlich die Quittung für ihre permanenten Preiserhöhungen. Die neuen Modelle können einfach nicht überzeugen... da wartet man Jahre lang, bis endlich die neuen Zwerge rauskommen, und dann sowas. Und jetzt muss ich wieder 5 oder mehr Jahre warten bis GW wahrscheinlich noch schlechtere Modelle rausbringt.
Einen Punkt hat er aber vergessen: Die Konkurrenz schläft nicht. Rackham hat eine beachtliche Größe erreicht und wird bald auch in Richtung RPG und SiFi expandieren. Ganz zu schweigen von Privateer Press, die mit Warmachine ein sehr geiles Spiel rausgebracht haben. Angeblich soll PP seinen Umsatz im Vergleich zum Vorjahr vervierfacht haben. Das ist aber nur ein Gerücht das ich aufgeschnappt habe.
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"Sales Woes For GW" -Really Intreresting!
Posted On Another Forum
Nothing real surprising here, but I thought people would be interested to see the year-end report from GW. This is not meant to foment flame-wars or such, just informational.
From Lifestyle Extra:
War gaming model specialist Games Workshop warned today that full year sales and profits are likely to fall short of market expectations as the Lord of the Rings 'bubble' continues to deflate.
Pre-tax profit for the six months to 27 November sank to £0.1m from £7.7m a year earlier on revenue down to £57.1m from £71m in 2004.
Sales for the five weeks to 1 January 2006 show a year on year decline of 17%.
The situation has been made worse by the continued reduction in sales to independent toy and hobby retailers, notably in the US, it said, where many smaller independent operators are closing down.
The group said it has tried to mitigate the impact of these difficult conditions by working closely with stronger outlets to help them through their current problems and by generating healthier performances from its own Hobby stores.
Chairman and chief executive Tom Kirby said, "We can now see that our full year sales, and therefore profits, are likely to fall short of current market expectations. This is why we have brought forward the timing of our interim results announcement this year."
"Whilst recognising that at present our levels of trading are below last year, the directors firmly believe that the prospects for the business remain very good."
The interim dividend of 4.95p is maintained.
And now for a reply, which in my honest opinion has hit the nail in the head about GW
Reply On Same Topic
It's the product, stupid.
Like Hyundai, make your dang product better and you'll sell more of it.
GW has gone to great lengths to decrease the value and quality of their product, so of course they sell less. Let's look at all the things they've done in the past few years:
1. Eliminate all discounts. Full price all the time is their policy.
2. Intentionally drive experienced gamers from their stores. While they've reversed this policy of late, for a very long time they simply didn't want anyone but newbies in their stores.
3. Continuously drive prices through the roof. A 35-45% increase in your product in less than 5 years should be a clue that you're digging your own grave.
4. Refuse to support a tournament environment. They pulled the plug on GTs, and even before that refused to run them with the appropriate resources. And they've intentionally made sure they're rules aren't tournament worthy, and at every avenue stress that their product is inferior in this respect and not designed for something their competitors do so easily.
5. Marketing only one line at a time. If you play dwarves, guess what, it's a banner year. But if you play orcs and goblins, or empire, go pound sand (or buy warmachine). And when they say they don't have anything to sell you, they mean for the next 3 to 4 years. GW simply does not want your business if you're an [insert army not on the soon to get redone list] player. This is, by FAR, the biggest problem GW has. Every other game company has a method to continue to produce revenue from existing customers. GW does not, or rather it doesn't have a particularly effective one. Once you buy an army, they have nothing to sell you unless you want a different army.
And unless they realize that no amount of greasing the sales wheels will fix these types of problems, GW is mere months away from drifting into the realm of unprofitable.
Or it could be this LotR bologna they're feeding their investors. Tom Kirby, you need to pack up your army, if you even own one, get your rear on a plane and come over here and play with my locals for a while. Then, hopefully, you'd have a clue as to why you are getting so little of our money.
Posted On Another Forum
Nothing real surprising here, but I thought people would be interested to see the year-end report from GW. This is not meant to foment flame-wars or such, just informational.
From Lifestyle Extra:
War gaming model specialist Games Workshop warned today that full year sales and profits are likely to fall short of market expectations as the Lord of the Rings 'bubble' continues to deflate.
Pre-tax profit for the six months to 27 November sank to £0.1m from £7.7m a year earlier on revenue down to £57.1m from £71m in 2004.
Sales for the five weeks to 1 January 2006 show a year on year decline of 17%.
The situation has been made worse by the continued reduction in sales to independent toy and hobby retailers, notably in the US, it said, where many smaller independent operators are closing down.
The group said it has tried to mitigate the impact of these difficult conditions by working closely with stronger outlets to help them through their current problems and by generating healthier performances from its own Hobby stores.
Chairman and chief executive Tom Kirby said, "We can now see that our full year sales, and therefore profits, are likely to fall short of current market expectations. This is why we have brought forward the timing of our interim results announcement this year."
"Whilst recognising that at present our levels of trading are below last year, the directors firmly believe that the prospects for the business remain very good."
The interim dividend of 4.95p is maintained.
And now for a reply, which in my honest opinion has hit the nail in the head about GW
Reply On Same Topic
It's the product, stupid.
Like Hyundai, make your dang product better and you'll sell more of it.
GW has gone to great lengths to decrease the value and quality of their product, so of course they sell less. Let's look at all the things they've done in the past few years:
1. Eliminate all discounts. Full price all the time is their policy.
2. Intentionally drive experienced gamers from their stores. While they've reversed this policy of late, for a very long time they simply didn't want anyone but newbies in their stores.
3. Continuously drive prices through the roof. A 35-45% increase in your product in less than 5 years should be a clue that you're digging your own grave.
4. Refuse to support a tournament environment. They pulled the plug on GTs, and even before that refused to run them with the appropriate resources. And they've intentionally made sure they're rules aren't tournament worthy, and at every avenue stress that their product is inferior in this respect and not designed for something their competitors do so easily.
5. Marketing only one line at a time. If you play dwarves, guess what, it's a banner year. But if you play orcs and goblins, or empire, go pound sand (or buy warmachine). And when they say they don't have anything to sell you, they mean for the next 3 to 4 years. GW simply does not want your business if you're an [insert army not on the soon to get redone list] player. This is, by FAR, the biggest problem GW has. Every other game company has a method to continue to produce revenue from existing customers. GW does not, or rather it doesn't have a particularly effective one. Once you buy an army, they have nothing to sell you unless you want a different army.
And unless they realize that no amount of greasing the sales wheels will fix these types of problems, GW is mere months away from drifting into the realm of unprofitable.
Or it could be this LotR bologna they're feeding their investors. Tom Kirby, you need to pack up your army, if you even own one, get your rear on a plane and come over here and play with my locals for a while. Then, hopefully, you'd have a clue as to why you are getting so little of our money.
Ein sehr interessanter Thread, und für GW siehts mal gar nicht so rosig aus.
Meine 2 Cent: Imho hat der, der die 5 Thesen gepostet hat, den Nagel auf den Kopf getroffen. GW bekommt nun endlich die Quittung für ihre permanenten Preiserhöhungen. Die neuen Modelle können einfach nicht überzeugen... da wartet man Jahre lang, bis endlich die neuen Zwerge rauskommen, und dann sowas. Und jetzt muss ich wieder 5 oder mehr Jahre warten bis GW wahrscheinlich noch schlechtere Modelle rausbringt.
Einen Punkt hat er aber vergessen: Die Konkurrenz schläft nicht. Rackham hat eine beachtliche Größe erreicht und wird bald auch in Richtung RPG und SiFi expandieren. Ganz zu schweigen von Privateer Press, die mit Warmachine ein sehr geiles Spiel rausgebracht haben. Angeblich soll PP seinen Umsatz im Vergleich zum Vorjahr vervierfacht haben. Das ist aber nur ein Gerücht das ich aufgeschnappt habe.
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