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Different nations, different painting, same passion

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    Different nations, different painting, same passion

    Hi all!
    I'm intersted about talking of the different painting style ^^

    For example in Italy at Golden demon, games workshop prize a painting really clean, smoothy and with some freehand...

    But this's not italian painting style! ^^

    Here we have a huge quantity of different painting style....and if you have thousand miniatures you can recognize who painted every single miniature.

    Personally I'm try to not painting a miniature....but to create a story, a sensation!!!!

    And you?

    What's your style? ^^

    AW: Different nations, different painting, same passion

    Colour Chaos that leads to athmosphere... painting like i do on canvas...
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      AW: Different nations, different painting, same passion

      but to create a story, a sensation!!!!
      Well that's a bit too extreme for me. I am fine if the miniature/diorama can transport a specific mood or atmosphere. I would not go this far to say my minis describe a story.
      For painting-stile it really depends on the mini and my personal mood. Mostly I like clean and "crispy" paintjobs, kinda comic or manga look with lots of cool looking NMM.
      Bei allem was man mit ganzem Herzen tut, sucht man nicht nach Helfern.


        AW: Different nations, different painting, same passion

        I try to bring the image that's inside my head into the reality.
        Sometimes it's easier and the image is very sharp and simple.
        Sometimes it's hard because the image is blurred and sooooo cool that it stuns my mind.

        Basically i try to imagine the work as a cut out of another dimension or world or time.
        I try to think "outside" of the base and try to see the base as a part of the world.
        A world with light, a living world where everything is there for a reason.
        That makes it much easier to create a story and atmosphere and it also makes it easier for me to paint for example weathering or damage effects (because i try think about why the damage is there and what created it instead of thinking of painting techniques....)

        I try to think, what can be on the base, what fits into this world and what doesn't fit, does it make sense if that object lies there or do i want to put something there to give the viewer a hint.

        From the side of color choice etc. i always try to see the whole concept and put in a little bit of color variation but i still want to develop more into this styles direction...... Rusto is a big master of this painting style in my opinion... although i want to create my own style.
        I'm still in the beginning of my own development so it's a challenge to try out different styles with bigger projects

        Oh, i wrote so much, i have to stop :D


        PS: Great idea for a thread!
        Zuletzt geändert von Picster; 12.11.2010, 15:54.


          AW: Different nations, different painting, same passion

          Zitat von Crackpot Beitrag anzeigen
          Well that's a bit too extreme for me. I am fine if the miniature/diorama can transport a specific mood or atmosphere. I would not go this far to say my minis describe a story.
          For painting-stile it really depends on the mini and my personal mood. Mostly I like clean and "crispy" paintjobs, kinda comic or manga look with lots of cool looking NMM.
          Same for me here... but a bit more colourful. :

          Meine Autorenseite:


            AW: Different nations, different painting, same passion

            Hey, great thread.
            I think there is no special style in my painting. I´m learning and changing a little bit on every miniature i paint.
            Perhaps one day, i could answer this question.
            Now all i can say, that there is a lot of inspiration out there that show me the way.


              Re: AW: Different nations, different painting, same passion

              yeah, this is going to be a very nice topic!

              that's so intersting to read about your style...




                AW: Different nations, different painting, same passion

                Aye! Very interestin`

                I´ve started painting very comic-style with strong darklining and colourful styles. But this changes with expierience. The colours became more subtle and smoth in blendings.

                There´s no style at all, but I try to tell a story with any miniature. I´m changing my techniques along to the mini I paint. Sci-Fi Models will get a strong darklining and they will get colourful. Whenever I get a fantasy Mini to paint, I try to let the darklining softer and give the colours a more natural touch... Like it was hand-made and not machine-build...

                Just my 2 cents
                Sgt Absalon
                Mal-Zeit!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


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