My fantasy version of The Punisher -
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As I'm not a sculptor I can't really give an eleborated feedback. So you proably want to take the few things I can add with a little grain of salt :mrgreen:
Details look pretty crisp and sharp and I like the amount of detail. But all in all it's a but to bulky for my taste. Also kinda prefer the pose of the first concept art. It looks more natural to me.
That is all just personal opinion and taste though.
The anatomy and proportions look alright, the details came out nice and I love the fact that you sculpted some "gore" underneath the cut off head ^^
Another personal preference of mine is that I'm not a huge fan of minis that have "terrain pieces" attached to them such as the pile of skulls he's standing on. I think it's mostly because I suck at building bases :mrgreen:
It's always hard for me to integrate such parts into a base. For me the base kinda has to explain why there is for example a pile of skulls lying around there to make it look reasonable.
But yeah, as mentioned it's just personal taste. I think people that are into that style will most definitively like it ^^
Details look pretty crisp and sharp and I like the amount of detail. But all in all it's a but to bulky for my taste. Also kinda prefer the pose of the first concept art. It looks more natural to me.
That is all just personal opinion and taste though.
Signed. Not exactly what girls like, but I can imagine that some male painter find it awesome, because this exaggerated, bold sculpting style is very masculine :
Although it is not my personal taste I like the sharpness of all details. Looks like a damned clean and a very accurate job and it is mostlikely a huge joy to paint it. The amount of details is very nice too.
But as said mostlikely it will rather attract male painter than female painter. In fact woman don`t like huge muscles. That is true. The result of a survey about this topic was: Woman don`t like huge muscles like it is usual for Bodybuilder for example. The most woman prefer a rather slim and athletic body as a gymnast have it for example.
So if you wish to attract both, male and female painters, as buyers for your sculpts/miniatures then less would be more. A bit thinner, a bit finer would be cool. The overall concept is a bit brutal but so what, this is pretty common when it comes to miniatures and even female painters sometimes like it hard lol.
I guess the main problem here is: It is all a bit too much. But some like it this way. You should sculpt what you like. If this is the style you like it, just do it. Don`t know what your approach is. Do you wish to express yourself with art? Or do you wish to sell as many miniatures as possible? It depends all on what exactly you want to obtain with your work.
Sergio Walgood - Timeshift Lapse --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I like bulky minis and massive weapons, especially in combination with this comic style. The Skulls? I have a Resin-Saw. :mrgreen:
Unfortunately you can already see from the side that the cloak is solid.
thank you very much for your feedback, many times while sculpting I do not take into consideration many aspects that those who paint or make dioramas instead consider ... in case you decide to produce it eventually I will separate the base.
Zuletzt geändert von Claudio Casini; 06.12.2018, 10:24.
Grund: quote error
For the moment it is not for sale and I have not planned a production, I sculpt recently and these are pieces that I do for me for promotional purposes. I have however created a newsletter for those interested in buying pieces.
Write me to
Signed. Not exactly what girls like, but I can imagine that some male painter find it awesome, because this exaggerated, bold sculpting style is very masculine :
Although it is not my personal taste I like the sharpness of all details. Looks like a damned clean and a very accurate job and it is mostlikely a huge joy to paint it. The amount of details is very nice too.
But as said mostlikely it will rather attract male painter than female painter. In fact woman don`t like huge muscles. That is true. The result of a survey about this topic was: Woman don`t like huge muscles like it is usual for Bodybuilder for example. The most woman prefer a rather slim and athletic body as a gymnast have it for example.
So if you wish to attract both, male and female painters, as buyers for your sculpts/miniatures then less would be more. A bit thinner, a bit finer would be cool. The overall concept is a bit brutal but so what, this is pretty common when it comes to miniatures and even female painters sometimes like it hard lol.
I guess the main problem here is: It is all a bit too much. But some like it this way. You should sculpt what you like. If this is the style you like it, just do it. Don`t know what your approach is. Do you wish to express yourself with art? Or do you wish to sell as many miniatures as possible? It depends all on what exactly you want to obtain with your work.
your directions are very useful ... I do not have a commercial goal, at the moment I'm studying 3D to sculpt miniatures, so these are models that sculpt for me as an exercise ... I've been a 2D illustrator for many years and I have a style masculine and mainly comics / cartoon for which I try to sculpt maintaining this style
at the moment I'm studying 3D to sculpt miniatures, so these are models that sculpt for me as an exercise ...
Aaaaaaah this explains the sharpness of the details. I`m not experianced in 3D sculpting and printing. That`s a pretty new topic for me (I made a break of 5 years in painting and missed this developement), but here at the forum there are a couple of members who also deal with 3D design and 3D printing. That´s an intresting matter.
I've been a 2D illustrator for many years and I have a style masculine and mainly comics / cartoon for which I try to sculpt maintaining this style
I see. Exaggeration and weird proportions belong to comic style of course. Now I understand your work better. I checked out your homepage in the meantime and actually I like all other sculpts by you more than this guy here :
I find Trap Jaw very intresting, because it is same style, like this guy above (brutal and heavy), but it is this little bit thinner like I meant. It`s cool. Partially very angular but combined with nice round shapes which makes an intresting stylistic opposite and contrast.
Of course Hellboy is cool too, I loved the movies :D Scarecrow from Oz is really weird stuff, but I like that
Nice dynamic pose, but I wonder if the thickness of the details is intentionally designed or if it is caused simply by the 3D printing? As said: A bit finer would match my personal taste better, but I have no idea of 3D printing, maybe it is not possible to print it thinner/more fine (???) The skirt of the scarecrow for example is very thick, but it is fabric and should be thin, I hope you understand what I mean. It is just that certain details look unnaturally thick and the question is: Intention or accident (caused by 3D printing)?
Lord of Demons is actually my taste (surprise, surprise lol), I painted something similar from Reaper Miniatures and I especially like the head and his face, but I would love to see larger pictures of the head.
Lion of Oz: Great one. Very majestic. I love his superior pose. Matches the character of this figure very well. Nice details too.
.....and so on..haha. Means: You have posted the one sculpt I like the least from your sculpting output haha.
Well, intresting work, hope to see you posting here again :-D
Sergio Walgood - Timeshift Lapse --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
some thicknesses are in use not only in the printing but also in the production of resin ... it is said that there are not even minor thicknesses but just because the variables are really many ... the demon lord is not my sculpture, as I have said for work designing miniatures in 2D and I do the illustrations, so some projects are made by other sculptors, my sculptures will post them as I do them and that I update my profiles.
jaw trap also is a magician tin man conversion kit XD