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    non trovavo la vecchia discussione, quindi mi son permesso di metter le foto qui...

    da finire c'è tutto il braccio destro e qualcosina sul sinistro!
    che ne pensate?

    Spero vi piaccia, c'è ancora molto lavoro da considerando che non tocco i pennelli da 3-4 mesi, beh, son contento!
    lo sto finendo un pò di fretta perchè me lo voglio levare dalle palle xD

    Hope you like it, there's so much work to do on it...but i didn't paint since 4 months, so i'm quite happy of the results
    i'm ending it sooo fast xD

    AW: Steamnetor!

    Hi, this mini is a conversion well done as well as a good paint job. I really enjoy the different weatherings quite a bit. Both, the turquoise patina like weatherings and the rusty ones. Also the different metallics are technically well executed. Those turquoise parts on top of the Bolter-thing might do with an OSL. Imo that’s missing. In general I would say the mini needs a lot more contrast; brighter highlights darker shades. Furthermore the areas of chipped off paint should get highlighted and shaded or at least black-lined.
    The base looks great as well.

    So far concerning the mini, now I'd like to comment on your post.

    Why did you write in... let me guess... Italian? I suppose there aren't that many members in here speaking Italian/ Spanish whatever language it is. If you want proper comments on your posts you ought to write in English at least. This is not supposed to be an offense.

    Edit: I just checked some other comments of yours. You do write in English. Why didn't you do so in this case?
    Zuletzt geändert von Sekú N'Dènklebár; 04.05.2011, 21:49.


      AW: Steamnetor!

      It IS italian

      I like the mini, it looks very similar to jarheads / picster's style...
      Is it painted in TMM? If so, you've painted a very nice blending!

      Freie Fotografie

      Fotowelt Jansen


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