Today i reviewing Savage Forged Minis "The Alternatives" for you.

The Alternatives are 28mm Resin Alternative Board game figures for you favorite games
(for example monopoly)
The Set Contains 6 different characters which all are very well casted. Of course they not that highly detailed because they designed to be playing figures.
But this is nothing bad if you wish more details simply add them by painting them on

Everyone of them has also their own name.
There are:

For me Günter looks like a wealthy aged german lord. One with a big old dark manor some vicious dogs and a creepy butler. I totally love his haircut and the facial hair! Great work here.

I don't know why maybe it because it christmas time but when i look at Trudy i see a cold snowy winter night. But I'm sure you can set her in every mood you like. Also here a nice touch with the wink of the eye..i like it
Tomy Boy

He could be a hip hop/graffiti street brawler. Much freedom with designing his baseball cap here.
Mad Dog

Mad Dog is definitely the weirdo of this group. What mental illness will he have? Paranoia? Insomnia? Only he knows.

Scooter is for me the "special" know what I mean...but exactly that is what makes him so beautiful inspiring. I Totally love this character

Well...Hannibal is the only character i can't really define what kind of person he could represent...some thoughts run through my mind but I can't fix it like I can for all of the others. Maybe you can help me out? What kind of person do you think is Hanibal? Write it in the comments
But he is still a very nice character with a lot of opportunities.
Here we have a size comparison with a 28mm GW Daemonette and an Euro Coin.

As i said before the quality of all 6 is amazing. The face expressions are very well and add a lot of character also the facial hair and eyes came also out very well.
The only mold lines you will find are most part on the back of the minis.

Overall i can say that the Alternatives are a very nice and creative alternative for normal boring Board game figures.
You have a lot of freedom in design and style. I'm really happy with them! I'm looking forward to paint the first
Even if i still struggle hard with painting human skin but this is not part of this review ; p
I recommend this beautiful little guys to every figure-loving board game enthusiasts! Impress your friends with some awesome looking self painted playing figures!
Hope you liked my second Miniature Review and i also hope i could help you by making a decision
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Also i would be very happy if you check out my Putty&Paint gallery
Link to Savage Forged Minis
Savage Forged Minis Facebook

The Alternatives are 28mm Resin Alternative Board game figures for you favorite games
(for example monopoly)
The Set Contains 6 different characters which all are very well casted. Of course they not that highly detailed because they designed to be playing figures.
But this is nothing bad if you wish more details simply add them by painting them on

Everyone of them has also their own name.
There are:

For me Günter looks like a wealthy aged german lord. One with a big old dark manor some vicious dogs and a creepy butler. I totally love his haircut and the facial hair! Great work here.

I don't know why maybe it because it christmas time but when i look at Trudy i see a cold snowy winter night. But I'm sure you can set her in every mood you like. Also here a nice touch with the wink of the eye..i like it

Tomy Boy

He could be a hip hop/graffiti street brawler. Much freedom with designing his baseball cap here.
Mad Dog

Mad Dog is definitely the weirdo of this group. What mental illness will he have? Paranoia? Insomnia? Only he knows.

Scooter is for me the "special" know what I mean...but exactly that is what makes him so beautiful inspiring. I Totally love this character

Well...Hannibal is the only character i can't really define what kind of person he could represent...some thoughts run through my mind but I can't fix it like I can for all of the others. Maybe you can help me out? What kind of person do you think is Hanibal? Write it in the comments

But he is still a very nice character with a lot of opportunities.
Here we have a size comparison with a 28mm GW Daemonette and an Euro Coin.

As i said before the quality of all 6 is amazing. The face expressions are very well and add a lot of character also the facial hair and eyes came also out very well.
The only mold lines you will find are most part on the back of the minis.

Overall i can say that the Alternatives are a very nice and creative alternative for normal boring Board game figures.
You have a lot of freedom in design and style. I'm really happy with them! I'm looking forward to paint the first

Even if i still struggle hard with painting human skin but this is not part of this review ; p
I recommend this beautiful little guys to every figure-loving board game enthusiasts! Impress your friends with some awesome looking self painted playing figures!
Hope you liked my second Miniature Review and i also hope i could help you by making a decision

Feel free to comment & share!
Don't forget to check out my Facbook-Page for more Reviews & Tutorials!
Also i would be very happy if you check out my Putty&Paint gallery
Link to Savage Forged Minis
Savage Forged Minis Facebook